Glasnik Srpske Legije

the_passenger - Εφημερίδα Serbia -
HUNGARY - the multi land

Δημοσιεύσε Serbia - Πρώτα βήματα στο eRevollution - 31 Mar 2020 06:08 - 62


These days we can see Hungarians accusing others for having a lot multies. They are the loudest ones on the world chat and everytime I log in to the game I see them talking bulls. I did some research and here are the results. Maybe the truth is a bit different.

MILITARY UNIT: Hungarian Hussar Regiment | COMMANDER: Talan

List of multies with starter pack:
1. Pingvinek Ura | ID: 101875 |Level: 25
2. Credus | ID: 17860 | Level: 65
3. Orban Victor | ID: 87470 | Level: 102
4. Szakacs | ID: 101227 | Level: 76
5. Astronaut | ID: 98373 | Level: 59
6. Zuccardi | ID: 98413| Level: 65
7. Adramalek | ID: 2017 | Level: 158

- 7/40 are multies with starter pack


MILITARY UNIT: Honved Koronaorseg | COMMANDER: Vadgesztenye

List of multies with starter pack:
1. szpalika | ID: 101880 | Level: 26
2. Juszuf666 | ID: 95293 | Level: 46
3. Frenco | ID: 95443 | Level: 69
4. misku76 | ID: 99154 | Level: 62
5. BiGShoT | ID: 101474 | Level: 36
6. fokkerdr1 | ID: 101040 | Level: 68
7. FZolee | ID: 99726 | Level: 93

- 7/40 are multies with starter pack


MILITARY UNIT: Magyar Sasok Hun Eagles | COMMANDER: dingo

List of multies with starter pack:
1. Amenhotep123 | ID: 101443 | Level: 36
2. Dembinski | ID: 71193 | Level: 42
3. Atom Ant | ID: 70998 | Level: 36
4. McDowells | ID: 98425 | Level: 33
5. Diktat0r | ID: 100037 | Level: 50
6. Bethlen | ID: 98423 | Level: 35
7. clfighter | ID: 31039 | Level: 50
8. mrarizona | ID: 16629 | Level: 53
9. Billy Talent | ID: 98424 | Level: 37
10. NofeedNoparty | ID: 98044 | Level: 52
11. GEricca | ID: 52819 | Level: 64
12. Pannonharcos | ID: 101186 | Level: 50
13. raczevike | ID: 73288 | Level: 96
14. Going Deep | ID: 98356 | Level: 75
15. Bunyos Pity | ID: 98047 | Level: 45
16. 11304 | ID: 14792 | Level: 68

- 16/39 are multies with starter pack



List of multies with starter pack:
1. Otorongo | ID: 100077 | Level: 26
2. suhov | ID: 99321 | 84

- 2/26 are multies with starter pack


MILITARY UNIT: kirugottak | COMMANDER: szeresd pocakot

List of multies with starter pack:
1. Indian | ID: 17546 | Level: 30
2. Hun Soldier | ID: 18306 | Level: 29
3. Kadarka | ID: 97966 | Level: 29
4. veder | ID: 99011 | Level: 81
5. F4llen4ngel | ID: 9523 | Level: 110

- 5/19 are multies with starter pack


List of multies with starter pack. Those are without MU or in MU with small number of players:
1. szabokriosz | ID: 73486 | Level: 61
2. CheDavid | ID: 1070 | Level: 39
3. Eklavyaa | ID: 33231 | Level: 63
4. GabriellaSanchez | ID: 100907 | Level: 40
4. The Supreme Leader | ID: 100969 | Level: 28
5. Crocodile Dundee | ID: 73117 | Level: 99
6. david9503 | ID: 81783 | Level: 64

SUM: I found total 43 multies with starter pack. All of these accounts are active. From erevtools I saw that Hungary right now have 160 active players. When we change that in procent, 26,8% of Hungarian lation are multies with starter pack. Probably I missed some, so please, if you noticed them, send their links to me.

NOTE: During this research I noticed a lot low level players from 2016-2017 active now, without starter pack. Most of them are not even 60 level, but they play this from the beginning of the game. Probably those players will get SP soon or they are just low paid workers for their masters. Soon, those accounts will be in the new article. I think there is more than 40+ players like this.


redfighterlyonnetNilsonVirus Jackrevenger81BornaXBoraxTorpedjoKame SenninLeD ZePPeLiNGeneral PidbulaStyce The Golden RetrieverTHE ONEamir2002

Σχόλια (62)

So, if someone has a starter pack, he is a multi ?
@The Last Panthera Uncia, probably. Maybe I was wrong with some accounts, but 98% of the players with starter pack are multies. Here I do not involved high level players who have starter pack, only low ones who are obiviosly multi ones.
@The Last Panthera Uncia, also, there is a possibility to remove stars under avatar. So, there is a big chance I missed some multies because of that.
The Last Panthera Uncia 8-9 month old acc still 30-50lvl with 0 hard worker medal, do u think its a real player ?
Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh : D
fake news! Laugh
And what s up with our super TO multis?
Good to know that I am a fake!
Pingvink Ura and FZolee, im glad that you both wrote your first comments here in game. Also you even managed to do that in almost the same time. Laugh
sweet dreams...
most important thing is this and you can contact danider before accusing, i bought him SP, if you want i can ask him to share also discord SS, so if anyone except Germany Wink should be silent its Serbia and Gurgia.
moli se blender aga da piše na turskom
the_passenger: Report me to the admins and if I am a multi, they will ban me Wink
LOL Laugh pathetic accusations... butthurt cause you are loosing? I personally know most of them, and they are not fakes Laugh
@FZolee, admins get 10 euros for every multi in the game. You really think he cares about you and others? This game is a multi game, soon there will be more multies than real players.
@NightwatcherHUN, please, check battles, your regions and bonuses. I think you are the loser in this story... Hahaha, you was in hard 2click for years, and suddenly you know all of these players. How did you menaged to meet someone who is registered a couple of days ago? Laugh
O, tempora, o mores !
NightwatcherHUN U know players that have been playing for more than 6 months and have not even 50lvl and 2 hardworker medals ? are u lying to urself or to who? Laugh come on dont be so ignorant guys Cheeky
Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?
@FlyingCangaroo, I saw that from you guys.
v c done your turn to subscribe o7
Ja sam Batashin multi. 🤗🤗🤗🤗
@the_passenger: NightwatcherHUN invited me through Facebook, because he has real life and friends, not like you stupid moron xD But just crying more, you know.. everybody needs a hobby. : D
There is a rule for pickpockets: in case you get caught always cry ˝THIEF!˝ It seems this is the case with honourless r-Serbian and r-Georgian players: when they are exposed as multifarmers - organized by their CPs none other - they in turn blame others (without any proof whatsoever) doing the same transgression.
Sell SP!
lol... apparently I am a fake too. Good to know Laugh
@the_passenger: you confused us with your Gurgian friends! Laugh
Stari su govorili...prvo svoje dvorište počisti.
HUNGARY - the multi land, jeste i biće Smile
Opet kuka, prvo je uništio SSF jer mu je bilo krivo sto njegova MU nije prva u eSrb. Sada pokušava da uništi ostale jer nije uspeo da se okiti novim medaljama od turnira. Dok mađarske MU su to uspele. Hajd dacu ti 5¥ za trud jer koliko vidim više sediš na igrici od mene. Sreća pa na profilu piše otišao 19 januara sa igrice. Možda si ti multi 😂😂😂😂
I might buy the pack, please consider me as multi then...
I am really tired of these pathetic crying kiddos. They are just hopeless!
and the fake Torpedjo is here to make some noise! Good job little multi! Laugh
Writing comments from multies which i havent seen on feed or anywhere ever Laugh lmao u guys are in a pathetic situation really Thats why u wrote that call to arms article yesterday Cheeky
Tatsuo3BEP 👍 just another lie from him...
BornaX´s whining is still missing from here...
I bought a starter pack when I came back, am I a multi ?
Azzazel87 no. VISA players are never multies. Laugh
Passenger, you are idiot.... This is joke?
˝Heroes˝ from today´s battle here: Gurgian TOP8 ˝returnee˝(definitely NOT FAKE) warriors: Portuguese ˝returnee˝ (definitely NOT fake) warriors: NO WASTE indeed! Laugh
I went to but SP,but now I scared bcs maybe in the next article you call me : MultiSad
Hun you are not an angel too, you know that verry well... I was interested too some days ago and checked your account s, there are lots of players with sp, with low lvl and most of them are created at same period... Many of them are registered on2016-2017... Look at their tp/ta/hw/ medals, multis obviously, so maybe shut off a bit?
Sellin SP PM me if you are multiresed
@Bikkin indeed we are warriors... we are Portuguese dude and also no waste, cause a Portuguese parent always say Just eat what you can and give the rest to your friends. Thank you for considering me as a multi. Catch me in discord, at least you will know what a multi sounds like. Have fun, hugs and kisses.
@Bikkin , yes Portugal put All these players fighting at the same time in T3 and connected all in discord, no doubt they are multies Smile It may be difficult for you to understand that there are countries that do mini-babybooms with real players, but we do Smile
Gratulálok! Szép teljesítmény! Idióta!Smile))
OMG! I am an hero! I want to thank my mom and my dad for all the efforts they made while I was growing up. My siblings for all the good times we spent. My friends for always being there for me. And my grandparents for always believing in me. Thank you.
Bikkin all of those Georgians are real players, check their register date and hardworker medals u ignorant and pathetic human being dont forget to produce airs on your 4yr old 30lvl multies
Who is commander in Mercenary Ops ?
itso is my multi
Hát Bástya elvtárssal mi lesz? Én már lópikulát sem érek? Laugh Jah az Elit Flottát is kérem ide felsorolni Wink
In Georgia we have an old saying (Folk wisdom) --- The best defence is attack ! Thats why huns blame us about multies ! They want to cover their Sins 😏🔥 multie makers and scr1pters are reporting others Laugh IDK is it funny or action of e-bit.ches Laugh +Sitting next to his computer they feel safe their ass and they are joking about us... Laugh new multi in mercenary ops
You don t beleive in new players? How could I have hardworker medal with 5 days registration? Please tell me the secret...
guys i understand your feeling, but don t forget that in the whole world billions people have to stay at home. Some olds french who stopped the game came back, we can see that also in erev big brother. There is multi, this is sure, but i don t think all of them are, players who left the game are just trying to find an occupation and come back. Btw when you have many wars, you can easier make them stay and take starter pack
bikini, keep calling PORTUGAL as multier... we call it babyboom ! But dont worrie, you gonna see more than that soon Wink
well, and the_passenger just did this to show how pathetic you guys are.. is all the subject from hungs and friends, but who are you to talk? hypocrisy level: retarded