Objavljeno u Japan - Prvi koraci u eRevollution - 02 Jul 2016 13:37 - 1
Well, two days ago my old friend found work for me and asks:
“Okay, Markus, don’t you forget how to write good text?”
I did.
https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/9245 part first of Burjak bizarre journey
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQJFWhn1R_w pls show me a way to the next song.
I have told this story few times to my RL friends and 99% of them joined the game later. So I decided to make few pages with eHistory moments that touched me. And a little biography inserts.
That will be long story and i will divide it by parts. Oldafgs forget, newfags don t know. When I will catch up present I will make short articles with episodes that happened right in that time!
We were interrupted by my laziness before great France war. But Burjak has some blind moments in this story. Because he had doubts in that time.
To France we went by train, plane and war machine. Through the fire, flames and USA we are went for Paris hospital. From present time (when I write dat sheet of txt) I see main point of game that let game been alive. And it reminded me most famous poet of my motherland. And I like him. Taras Shevchenko once write this lines:
«Все йде все минає – і краю немає.
Куди ж воно ділось? відкіля взялось?
Куди ж воно ділось? відкіля взялось?
І дурень, і мудрий нічого не знає
Живе…умирає…одно зацвіло
А друге зав’яло, навіки зав’яло…
І листя пожовкле вітри рознесли
А сонечко встане, як перше вставало,
І зорі червоні, як перше плили,
Попливуть і потім…»
All flows and all pes—this goes on forever....
Yet where does it vanish? And whence did it come?
The fool does not know, and the sage knows no better.
There's life... then there's death.... As here blossoms a one,
Another there withers beyond a returning....
Its yellow leaves fall, to be green never more.
But still the bright sun will come up in the morning,
At nightfall the stars will come out as before
To swim in the heavens
I mean, eWorld is fresh and changing fast as Sonic the Hedgehog runs. (lul, first High Poetry, later videogames?) Alliances exists no more than 1,5 months, enemies aren’t forever, end even true friendship has limit. It’s true of this game, and it is wonderful. No one game can provide me so big emotional gamma.
And this is no oda to erevollution, this is my story about France war. So lets continue.
Around that time big squad of mercenaries’ people emigrated to heart of old Europe – to Germany. I don’t blame them for this, they have their own fun and they make their game like we are in Japan. So our imperial army stands under Paris walls and preparing for most epic battle. We fighted hard, our enemies fought brave, but we won. On the other side of planet, we have big and strong Cossack’s empire which leave TRS for balance few days before. For balance they can fight from other side of barricades in Paris, but chose different way.
True friendship is gone. While we had a big war in Europe, they are backstabbed us and burnt northern islands. Not alone, with old friends.

Burjak is saddest man in the world.
Brave warriors came to Tokio, but we are already returned and pushed them back. Next month or two was war with Ukraine, long and bloody.
Like, how they can do this?
Why not?
Ukraine, Germany, South Korea and lot of Amaterasu members left us. So I had doubts about our way. I had also (and now?) friends in our NE country. I speaking a lot with them, have seen logs and it created Burjak that you know. (or do not know lul)
Most important questions that I had.
1. We going the right way?
2. Should I return to Ukraine or emigrate to another Germany-like country?
3. From what side is right to eat chocolate bagel?
And my answers.
1. Yep. And they too, but maybe they choose wrong method.
2. Nope, we are burned all bridges between me and motherland. Other gates are all open but I don’t want. Couse, mission of Shiro Clan members is take Japan in PTO.
3. Holy Konata! I don’t know!
In next page I will tell you about my brave rage bre! And great Justice!
“Okay, Markus, don’t you forget how to write good text?”
I did.
https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/9245 part first of Burjak bizarre journey
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQJFWhn1R_w pls show me a way to the next song.
I have told this story few times to my RL friends and 99% of them joined the game later. So I decided to make few pages with eHistory moments that touched me. And a little biography inserts.
That will be long story and i will divide it by parts. Oldafgs forget, newfags don t know. When I will catch up present I will make short articles with episodes that happened right in that time!
Markus, the Anime MOD
We were interrupted by my laziness before great France war. But Burjak has some blind moments in this story. Because he had doubts in that time.
To France we went by train, plane and war machine. Through the fire, flames and USA we are went for Paris hospital. From present time (when I write dat sheet of txt) I see main point of game that let game been alive. And it reminded me most famous poet of my motherland. And I like him. Taras Shevchenko once write this lines:
«Все йде все минає – і краю немає.
Куди ж воно ділось? відкіля взялось?
Куди ж воно ділось? відкіля взялось?
І дурень, і мудрий нічого не знає
Живе…умирає…одно зацвіло
А друге зав’яло, навіки зав’яло…
І листя пожовкле вітри рознесли
А сонечко встане, як перше вставало,
І зорі червоні, як перше плили,
Попливуть і потім…»
All flows and all pes—this goes on forever....
Yet where does it vanish? And whence did it come?
The fool does not know, and the sage knows no better.
There's life... then there's death.... As here blossoms a one,
Another there withers beyond a returning....
Its yellow leaves fall, to be green never more.
But still the bright sun will come up in the morning,
At nightfall the stars will come out as before
To swim in the heavens
I mean, eWorld is fresh and changing fast as Sonic the Hedgehog runs. (lul, first High Poetry, later videogames?) Alliances exists no more than 1,5 months, enemies aren’t forever, end even true friendship has limit. It’s true of this game, and it is wonderful. No one game can provide me so big emotional gamma.
And this is no oda to erevollution, this is my story about France war. So lets continue.
Around that time big squad of mercenaries’ people emigrated to heart of old Europe – to Germany. I don’t blame them for this, they have their own fun and they make their game like we are in Japan. So our imperial army stands under Paris walls and preparing for most epic battle. We fighted hard, our enemies fought brave, but we won. On the other side of planet, we have big and strong Cossack’s empire which leave TRS for balance few days before. For balance they can fight from other side of barricades in Paris, but chose different way.
True friendship is gone. While we had a big war in Europe, they are backstabbed us and burnt northern islands. Not alone, with old friends.

Burjak is saddest man in the world.
Brave warriors came to Tokio, but we are already returned and pushed them back. Next month or two was war with Ukraine, long and bloody.
Like, how they can do this?
Why not?
Ukraine, Germany, South Korea and lot of Amaterasu members left us. So I had doubts about our way. I had also (and now?) friends in our NE country. I speaking a lot with them, have seen logs and it created Burjak that you know. (or do not know lul)
Most important questions that I had.
1. We going the right way?
2. Should I return to Ukraine or emigrate to another Germany-like country?
3. From what side is right to eat chocolate bagel?
And my answers.
1. Yep. And they too, but maybe they choose wrong method.
2. Nope, we are burned all bridges between me and motherland. Other gates are all open but I don’t want. Couse, mission of Shiro Clan members is take Japan in PTO.
3. Holy Konata! I don’t know!
In next page I will tell you about my brave rage bre! And great Justice!
XooKaip3ShironakituminayashiKomentari (1)

I love your writting