Objavljeno u Republic of China (Taiwan) - Društvene interakcije i zabava - 17 Jul 2016 07:12 - 65

Greetings citizens of eWorld,
In my last article i presented you players from Poland and promised you to present players from Taiwan . So here they are !

From the start of game Taiwan and Japan was friends and ally , Taiwan showed great power tanking hard for their allies . They are one of guardians of Asia and one of country that i most love . Many of their players are close friends of mine which earned my respect and love . So today i will present you some of them .

2 ) YouGodMe : Former Emperor of Japan and one of oldest citizens in Japan, after that he went to his native country and i am grateful that he have trust in me to leave me Amaterasu and Japan i hope so that we live to his exceptions . Current Prime Minister of Taiwan .

3 ) cactuar : I dont know too much about her yes you read good its first lady that i will introduce in my articles .She is one of most active Taiwan players also she love to read manga and she is big lover of animals .

4 ) Owen : What to say about rank 1 player in game and one of Taiwan heavy tanks . Ladies be ready this guy is hot ( i think you will have future in some kung fu movies bro think about that :D ) He is cool he is nice and better dont rage him coz you will lost battle . Taiwan Minister of Defense OWEN !!!

5 ) She is CP of Taiwan ( yap one more lady i am lucky :D ) She is DAMN cute and unfortunately have BF so guys dont bother her or you will be spanked . She is ruler of mighty Taiwan Coolcat is her name and she is cute , wait i already said that , but who cares :DDD

Inglourious BasterdsSantiago 45THE ONEcoolcat1119HaNFluXFactorySzilveszterno0bsailbotJoker Evilandy910628YouGodMeBethAdminKomentari (65)

Shout : 【Shiro】Meet the Taiwan : https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/11697



Hey Cactuar *.*

Svaka čast o/


lol Owen and YGM



5. ^^

very nice!

loll Shiro i can not agree with you
as always ofc lolll but YouGodMe is for /use/
,,,,and in the last sentence of article you should bold TRY

voted for YouGodMe

vV Nice one Shiro..finally we have some ladies and cute ones at that. :3 Owen and Ygm should get acting careers, keke..unless they already have. 

YouGodME looks like actor but i forgot his name..

Owen looks like the leader of Mafia.. Dude respect o/

YGM and Owen god damn handsome! ^0^

i m pretty sure half of these photos are fakes x)

Is YouGodMe and CoolCat taken.
Dibs on both of them(⊙_⊙)


I will create a temple for each ally , black magic and the whole thing !

omg i feel so guilty for using that photo, anyway Taiwan girls are cute.

Must agree with gg29.
Owen and YouGodMe are 100% fakes in my opinion. Too professional and too model-looking. The rest are debate-able.

=) o7



o7 --- shiro Love the way you talk

o7 nice one as always

nice job, too bad she haves a BF *cries in bulgarian*

Owen is Takeshi Kaneshiro, a famous Japanese-Taiwanese Actor. YouGod is Wang Leehom, a famous Chinese-American multi-media artist. WHO KNEW




Hard vote .. we love them Taiwanese ^_^

Taiwan girls are cute x2
Where is Miss Beth? 

Owen and You God Me are fake pics

@Tancred they are busted bro

I think 4 fake and 1 is real !

you are just jealous...there are no fakes.. yours is fake

Owen is Takeshi Kaneshiro, a famous Japanese-Taiwanese Actor. YouGod is Wang Leehom, a famous Chinese-American multi-media artist. @Komeng They are fake your Just too dumb to realize it. xD

I don t think there is a rule that real life actors cannot join E-rev. So you can t be sure that they are fake in the other way around lol


So, Owen and YGM need to confirm their identity like RAF did. A photo with a card with eRev logo and login? 


Hello Taiwan players 

#Smaller The Tweet, Bigger The Dishonor

hehehe nice o7

o/ Nice Bro


o7 good luck 

Fake photos, fake info and fake country. o7

Fake photos, fake info and fake country. o7 (+1) // #SmallerTheTweetBiggerTheDishonor (+1)

Support of my country

All these actors and theres us slavs knowing to pose with beer in our hands only

If they are actors thats so awesome
