Objavljeno u Turkey - Financijsko poslovanje - 23 Jul 2016 06:36 - 29
Hi!In this article series I put the prices of All Chat (black market - no taxes). I'll provide an interval, or a concrete number, that is the AVERAGE PRICE. Anything lower should be considered a good price, and anything above is therefore a bad price.
1G = 2220 energy
Q1 Helis = 0,032 - 0,034
Q2 Helis = 0,036
Q3 Helis/ Q5 Tanks = 0,044
Q4 = 0,053 - 0,057
Q5 = 0,064 - 0,065
1G = 2400 - 2500 WRM (Weapon Raw Material) - Turkey
Q1 = 3,8 - 4,3
Q2 = 4,7 - 5,2
Q3 = 5,5 - 6,5
Q4 = 8,0 -8,5
Q5 =11,0 - 12,0
1G =1400 - 1500 HRM (House Raw Material)
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Hi!In this article series I put the prices of All Chat (black market - no taxes). I'll provide an interval, or a concrete number, that is the AVERAGE PRICE. Anything lower should be considered a good price, and anything above is therefore a bad price.
This Edition's Notes:
I invite you to use the comment section as the trading area, post your offer, with this format pls:
Intruced HRM (house raw material) and WRM (weapon raw material)'s prices.
The energy / food industry doesnt seem to have changed as I thought it would. The price of energy seems to finaly have stabelized: 1G=2200.
You will often see people buying specific qualities of food (to do life kits), ready to pay an extra amount of gold.
Q5 Helis's price is getting lower and lower and lower. Most sellers sell at 0,065, with some 0,064 producers, and 0,066 resellers.
Q3 Helis / Q5 Tanks are very, very stable on the 0,044 mark.
Houses' price is going up, with Q1's being very lar around the 4 gold mark.
1G = 2220 energy
Q1 Helis = 0,032 - 0,034
Q2 Helis = 0,036
Q3 Helis/ Q5 Tanks = 0,044
Q4 = 0,053 - 0,057
Q5 = 0,064 - 0,065
1G = 2400 - 2500 WRM (Weapon Raw Material) - Turkey
Q1 = 3,8 - 4,3
Q2 = 4,7 - 5,2
Q3 = 5,5 - 6,5
Q4 = 8,0 -8,5
Q5 =11,0 - 12,0
1G =1400 - 1500 HRM (House Raw Material)
HadrielD o n V i t o C o r l e o n eKomentari (29)
buy 2k hraw for 1g
Wooops, that mis-information, corrected it ty
Thank you Nice article.
[Selling] q1 helis- 0.033g- 290 stock
Nice article voted
buying Q1 helis 3.8 gold.
(Selling)500 q5 food for 2g
Thx for the positive feedback! Pls use the BUYING/SELLING - PRODUCT - PRICE - STOCK format, thx!
SELLING Q1 HOUSE (Price - Offer not below 4 golds) stock 4 (Day 196)
u have to write on your info, if your stuff already sold, delete the comment
DarkBlack, im not naive enough to think people would actually do that
Selling helis q2 each 0.032
Helis q3 each 0.043
Helis q5 each 0.063
Selling Tanks Q5-0.043
selling q5 heli - 300 in stock
Buy energy
selling Q5 DS
getting beter and better. voted o/
Thx for your constant support! Your my favorite Sultan
You re* my favou*rite
selling q5 houses!!!PM
Thxxx ASAP
sell q1 house 4,2g
how i saw 1500 one gold and 1800 one gold food price today?
Cus you saw 2 retards!? Im selling 2000E=1G if you want to You have to understand im puting the fair prices, not the prices you want to see
Selling q4 house. Pm me
Buying, House [Q1] // Hellis [Q1]