Objavljeno u Bolivia - Analiza ratovanja - 12 Sep 2016 08:43 - 28
MDP forced Brazil to leave Bolivia rent agreement and proclame that Bolivia must be free, etc.
And recently MDP sign and NAP agreement with Brazil, one point involve Bolivia regions: link
So what regions we will negotiate with Brazil if MDP keep Bolivia erased and didn't want to release it?
MDP has no honor, so much fail in their ideology of not erase countries, Bolivia is currently erased by MDP
At last minute they reverse the bar.
Bolivia Government
CP: Minhoto
MOFA: llawarta
MDP forced Brazil to leave Bolivia rent agreement and proclame that Bolivia must be free, etc.
And recently MDP sign and NAP agreement with Brazil, one point involve Bolivia regions: link
1 a) - There will be a meeting between Brazil and Bolivia, with participation of MDP representive as an observor. If Bolivia agrees to rent its region, Brazil may take regions from them.
So what regions we will negotiate with Brazil if MDP keep Bolivia erased and didn't want to release it?
MDP has no honor, so much fail in their ideology of not erase countries, Bolivia is currently erased by MDP
At last minute they reverse the bar.

Bolivia Government
CP: Minhoto
MOFA: llawarta
Komentari (28)


Are you blind or agnorant ?
If Bolivia agrees to rent its region, Brazil may take regions from them.
It says if Bolivia agrees...


WTF... put .. disque aliados

I can t see Paraguay didn t attacked you, only you attack Paraguay 

@G0KTURK there was a meeting yesterday, and Bolivia agreed. Ask your alliance HQ.

lol. Bolivia asked help from MDP to defend their regions against Brazilian occupation and we gave it. Now we put a term to agreement to let you decide whatever you want. But as far as I see you are nothing but puppet of Brazil so good luck with them in the future.

Drž te se braćo, gonićemo ih do Cape Horn - a!

so does mordor

https://www.erevollution.com/es/map I can see 2 nonMDP bolivian regions.... One brasilian and one bolivian :/

What are the former CP and the actual CP saying about this?

@Kinyas your word seems have no value, yeah keep insult us calling puppets, etc. but please do not raise the freedom flag at your convenience.

@BattleHero what other ways exist to recover regions different from battles and rw? maybe I need to send a ticket to admins requesting my country regions?
Please advise.

@iiawarta, guess its to hard for BHero to figure out that it was revolt and not your attack on Paraguay ...

@LLawarta, first of all, make your mind up.. Does Bolivia wants to rent the regions or does it wants to retake them for itself. So, why should you have two battles for each region when you can have only one battle for each region?

And if we want to motivate people to fight for some regions they might fight better for TP and not for TA.

@Kinyas, please buy yourself some dignity and stop lying in such a terrible way, man.
Step 1.-
Bolivia is threatened by a member of MDP that if they don t leave FAS, they will be used as the base to control South America. So Bolivia leaves FAS quickly.
Step 2.-
MDP gets the bonus they need in South America and NAP with Brazil leaving Bolivia completely alone.
Step 3.-
Bolivia asks for help, but of course, our heroes were not available in that moment.
Step 4.-
Brazil offers Bolivia the possibility to rent regions instead of wiping Bolivia. A NAP that benefits Brazil and all Bolivian Players is signed by the two nations.
Step 5.-
MDP got a sexual fantasy with bothering Brazil and comes to rescue Bolivia when nobody needed to be saved anymore...but we got to say: Thanks, Saviors!
Step 6.-
MDP attacks Bolivia to f*ck up Brazil, even thou there was a NAP that benefited both nations. But guys, come on, MDP heroes are doing it for the benefit of Bolivia.
Step 7.-
MDP get s the Bonus they need from Venezuela and desire to act like the good guys of the movie. So they ask Bolivia if they want to continue with the Rent Agreement they had with Brazil.
Step 8.-
Bolivia decides and declares that they signed a NAP including a rental agreement, got paid for it and will respect the fact that they gave their word to Brazil.
Step 9.-
Our Brave and Noble heroes didn t like some of the truth I told them in the meeting we had (where I spoke for Bolivia cause the gov wasn t available) and also declared them the wish of Bolivia to keep their word with Brazil.
Step 10.-
MDP says that Brazil can t attack Paraguay to get back the regions of Bolivia (cause they just want to complicate everything, as always) and Bolivia has to fight for their regions.
Step 11.-
For a second time, Paraguay betrays Bolivia s confidence in them and takes a deep sh*t in the new NAP that was signed between MDP AND BRAZIL.

Synopsis: MDP just does what benefits them and then tries to cover themselves with the speech of freedom for the small countries. Bolivia was an excuse to achieve their sexual fantasy and now they are mad because Bolivia is not kissing their feet.

oh woow

Hail Paraguay! Vencer o Morir!!!

Ahi vienen los Pyos a comentar. Metanle un Hail Paraguay! Cagarse en los NAPS o morir! xDDDDDD

Que es NAP?


xq ezkrivem en hinghles? qtepario :/
pd: celia demierdas pagamecarajo :/

Hablen en español mierdas
pd: Hail Paraguay! Vender o Morir!!!

I wouldn t say that MDP has no honor, but that they use their power to lead with the e-World smartly. I don t understand how keeping you under their occupation with no availabilities to get out of that situation represents no honor. Please get your facts straight

We lost the battle, but not lost the war. HAILL BOLIVIA
Respect for Bolivia MDP, we only ask that RESPECT