Objavljeno u Bulgaria - Društvene interakcije i zabava - 29 Oct 2016 00:18 - 8
Hi everybody - here are the rewards from Halloween pumpkin

50 Heli Q5
50 Food Q5
5 Energy Q5
5 Strength
5 Gold
5 Employees
10 RPG Q5
50 Weapons Q5
50 Tanks Q5
2 Life Kit Q3
If you think that this article is helpful for you please vot and sub.
Enjoy the game.

50 Heli Q5
50 Food Q5
5 Energy Q5
5 Strength
5 Gold
5 Employees
10 RPG Q5
50 Weapons Q5
50 Tanks Q5
2 Life Kit Q3
If you think that this article is helpful for you please vot and sub.
Enjoy the game.
TopSecretRaggnar LothbrokStarshinataBGSavoffOgnyanovKomentari (8)


thank you


vote plus sub

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