Objavljeno u Serbia - Političke debate i anazlize - 31 Oct 2016 14:00 - 16
Welcome to Dvougao.
In this edition I'm interviewing Antinarodni element and Phantom about disbandment of Invictus.
Few days ago MDP disbanded too, and I hope I will have chance to do interview with players who were in its
So lets start with the interview.

Thank you dear readers for your attention :)
In this edition I'm interviewing Antinarodni element and Phantom about disbandment of Invictus.
Few days ago MDP disbanded too, and I hope I will have chance to do interview with players who were in its
So lets start with the interview.

Thank you dear readers for your attention :)
Seki333nakituminayashiPhantom986SCAMMiLeNaAaAaPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKShiroTechPirateno0bsailbotKomentari (16)

Ђе је по нашки?

Interesting questions and nice answers from Anti and Phanta o.7

je li ovo neki skup nejaci ? fali im i blagi 

pravda za Doru


Vote interview

Antinarodni speak so much. I like the short Phantom s sentences

eVokasi likes short Phantoms... 


Btw i like to read your articles, not only now when i am in
Keep it up. o7

sutra cu uz kafu da procitam
najbolje clanke ostavljam za ujutru

2 of my favs, love you both guys, great interview o/

hvala svima na podrsci (verbalnoj i novcanoj) 

Vidi sto se fantom stiso samo jedan endors :-)
Odlican clanak

Ti nekom to kazes fantomcicu