Objavljeno u France - Financijsko poslovanje - 18 Dec 2016 12:28 - 56

Let me Introduce you Georgia - The Best Place were you can make your Business!
You will ask why?
Well, first of all eGeorgia has 3x 100% Bonuses :)

Our Monetary Market and Taxes is Best Option for Producing and Workout!
Georgian country currency is 0.005 Gold!


As you all know training in new Workout area (Advanced Training) cost 100cc,
So in gold with Georgian Monetary Market it will cost 0.5 Gold and it is the minimal price!


Manager Work Tax - it is the biggest headache for employers.
For foreign managers to work in their companies they should pay 3 cc
Due to Georgian Monetary it will only cost 0.015 Gold!
But wait!
It is not all!
If you produce in Georgia then you will be refunded third of the tax you paid!
And if you build companies in Georgia during the sale,
then we will gift you another 1/3 of all the taxes you paid while producing in Georgia.
You heard correctly in Total you will get 2/3 tax refund.
For this you must fill in the application below:

Government of Georgia presents to the gamers of eRevollution an offer.
If you build factories in Georgia we will gift you 8% of gold which you spend.
Super Offer!
If you change your Citizenship and build factory in Georgia
we will gift you 10% of gold which you spend on the factory.
For this you must fill in the application below:

Georgia is one of the biggest lated country!
Right now we have more than 5,846 Citizens!
And We are growing too Fast!
We have continuous Baby Boom!
every day we get average 50 newbies!
And do you know what it means?
It means that it is The Best Place for Your Business!
Because we have Fast Growing Customer Market!
You Can Sell All Your Products Here Immediately!

There are more reasons why you should come here,
like many cheap workers (because of rising lation)
Friendly ambience, Georgia is known for its hospitality!

Allow me to finish with one joyful legend
about how did our nation turned out to live on this amazing land, located between two seas, with enormous Caucasus mountains upon it.
Georgians call their country gifted from god. Legend says, when god was giving land to the people all over the world, Georgians were late and they came to god only when land was already divided. When god asked why they were late, they honestly confessed that they had a guest, they had a feast and were drinking a toast to honor god.
God was so delighted with this answer that he gave Georgians a little piece of a paradise which he kept for himself.
There is a joke saying that it is Georgians fault that god has no place to live on earth and he had to go up to the sky. ☺
I like this legend because besides a cheerful story it contains three things of which Georgians are very proud of, those are hospitality, loving feast and wine, and of course extraordinary nature.
Guests in Georgia are considered as messengers of god, and the love of having guest is a part of Georgians personality. That is main characteristic of our nation, for which we really are special.
So #ComeToGeorgia my friends and let make one of the best Country in this game! ♥
CaveaBokeraCRGANGSTAGiorgi BurashviliGiorgi BurashviliZE BUNDAGeorgian SoliderDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoThe Uncrowned KingThe Uncrowned KingDecimoDecimoTheKamKoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoDecimoSennakoka99koka99koka99salamandra123YamamotoYamamotoYamamotoGeorgian WolffDeath Angel AzrielSonsOfAnarchyMrNiCkMrNiCkMrNiCkMrNiCkMrNiCkMrNiCkMaxara40MukhranifoxliteDarkholdPs1XopatFazanovichFazanovichFazanovichMushvannika nika georgia 123yasuoyasuoDatoGZuraLegendDRoNGigaHanyokrowatiDunedainshota IDstranGEDstranGEDstranGEhubrakadabraedikoMushvanMushvanMushvanMushvanMushvanMushvanMushvanElTibuToniElGordoK O R E L IKomentari (56)

#ComeToGeorgia ♥

#welcometogeorgia ^^

#ComeToGeorgia ♥

#ComeToGeorgia ♥

Hail all erev gamers 


#ComeToGeorgia ♥

Avtos statiebi are back 

#ComeToGeorgia ♥


#თქვან #დიდა #ფხოდ #ეშე #დო #გიმე #ქუმორთით #საქორთუოშა
Ave Georgia!

aveun shen axla ro sheigine ici


o7 #ComeToGeorgia ♥


Yeaayyy, votè

OMG this looks desperate

no. this looks like country using its opportunity to advance

#ComeToGeorgia ♥

Lukaluka has been bankrupted 


ucxouri legioni rom shevqmnat avtos danayopis bazaze mgoni kargi iqneba yuradgebasac mets mivaqcevt da advili gasakontrolebeli iqneba erti qartvelian ori komandiri da ori ucxoeli gavareklamebdit da ufro moizidavda xalxs

Georgia best business place

ზეცას შახენეო აპარეკავ,
მთვარე დათვისჯვრისკენ იტოლება.



accept my citizenship


Georgia is not imperia... Georgia is only small country... do not forgot that 

This first picture here is like e_._rpb copy/paste

hail georgia! I already produce food and houses here but I didn´t know about refunds.

That is my favorite song. 😁


Biology sosi xui 




ra grmad chasulxar me da daviti xels gishlidit etyoba 


Just i see this? http://prntscr.com/dlh7av

Szilveszter xd


nice article

ავთო ამსტატიით გამდიდრდა
აი ოთარა კი 0ზე დაჯდა 

1000 laria marto 

#ComeToGeorgia ♥



ბიჭებო მეც დამიბრუნეთ 8 პროცენტი მაკლდება გოლდი...

Come to Cyprus we have better tax refund !! https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/21036

მეც დამიბრუნებთ??? თუ გავუცხოელდე და მერე დავბრუნდე ?::დ სესხს არ მაძლევთ არ მაძლევთ რეფოუნდი მაინც დამიბრუნეთ :დ

When the refunds will be sent?

When the redunds will be sent x2