Objavljeno u Turkey - Političke debate i anazlize - 19 Dec 2016 05:29 - 7

President of Turkey is interviewed in our newspaper
He was elected this month to govern the biggest country in the game.

Warning: There is also a Portuguese version for the PT / BR audience.

By SutleR
Day 344 - Dec 19 04:21
SutleR: You now rule the largest country of eRevollution. What are the difficulties that the post of President of Turkey presents?
Ferdi: Now we are the largest country relating to the lation. There is a turkish saying: Nerede çokluk orada bokluk. It means: Where the crowd is, there is the crap. So there are also annoying people or people going his own way without following the instruction of the goverment. We cant controll them all, some are fighting in the wars against our allies, some of them are insulting them on all chat.
SutleR: Are there problems left by the last president of Turkey? Which are? And what do you intend to do to solve them?
Ferdi: I am extremely satisfied with the handover. I dont had problems left from the former president.
SutleR: Is it the first time you are elected president? What s the feeling?
Ferdi: I am elected for the second time as president. First time was in Austria https://www.erevollution.com/tr/elections/5/1/4/141/1
But this election in Turkey was definitely differently than in Austria due to the fact that Turkey is one of the strongest country and the most lous country in the eWorld.
SutleR: What are the attitudes your government has been taking? Do you think the eTurkey lation is satisfied with your management?
Ferdi: Well, our first and main Point is to win battles for and with our Allies for the benevolence of VaeVictis. The second Point is to strengthen our citizens by doing supplies and financial support to them.
SutleR: Is there any opposition to your government? What is their argument?
Ferdi: Yes, they maintain that the government is composed every month of the same citizens.
SutleR: Do you want to re-elect? Or will you leave the application for another member of your party?
Ferdi: I dont think that i will run for presidency next term again. But i would support if any party member would do that.
SutleR: Recently the elections for the congress took place. What did you think about the results?
Ferdi: My AH Party sent 5 members to the congress. Our mistake was that we nominated 10 candidates, so the votes spreaded to all 10 candidates. If we had nominated 7 candidates instead of 10 we could get the majority of 35%.
SutleR: Do you think your government will be united with the congress?
Ferdi: Yes, there wasnt a big conflict between the government and the congress until now.
SutleR: Do you think military units should be nonpartisan? Or should they take sides?
Ferdi: I think every MU should have members from every parties and vice versa. The MU shouldnt get involved to political stuff. Which not least means members of MU cant join a political party. Of course it s fine that every citizen is a member of a party. But i dont support it when a Party consists only of members of one MU and vice versa.
SutleR: Last question. The first year of eRevollution it is being conclused. Do you expect your country to continue growing strong next year?
Ferdi: I cannot imagine anything other than a getting stronger country :) Thank you for your interview

First, I would like to thank Ferdi Carrefour for allowing us to do this interview. And to do an article in English and then translating it into Portuguese was not so easy, so I would like you to subscribe to the newspaper and vote for this article. And Thanks again.
Sutler, E1 journalist.
NieltonCFPKomentari (7)

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Good job as always! V+


Voted. Congrats on Turkish organization

Ferdi tayfur -Son Sabah- dinle bro o7

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