Objavljeno u Germany - Financijsko poslovanje - 12 Jan 2017 08:46 - 8
Despite ongoing war with MDP/VV Germany announce 4th LOAN program , since we have new resource and new weapon this loan program will be a little different than previous. Please check application form bellow.
*Players cant leave country if loan is not payback in full
*For every LOAN some player must vouch for applicant
( in case that applicant is banned or leave country or game person who vouch must payback loan in full)
*Loan can be given only to players who have more than 30 days German CS
*Every applicant who get loan will be contacted before country send him gold
*Max loan amount is 100 gold
*Max payback time is 30 days

See you againKavehsatanik0ssatanik0ssatanik0ssatanik0ssatanik0ssatanik0ssatanik0ssatanik0ssatanik0sThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanOnce a Panzer always a Panzer