Objavljeno u Latvia - Društvene interakcije i zabava - 06 Feb 2016 01:44 - 3

Sauciet to par trakumu vai kā gribiet, bet kāre pēc zelta dzen šo spēli uz priekšu, tā pat bija ar zelta drudzi Aļaskā un citās pasaules malās. Nu zelta drudzis ir virtuālā vidē.
Ideja ko piedāvāju ir sekojoša - visus interesentus, kas vēlas pēc iespējas palielināt savu abonentu skaitu avīzē lai sasniegtu MM medaļu aicināšu pastrādāt, lai gūtu labumu paši priekš sevis. Vēlos izveidot Sub 4 sub klubu, kurā publicēšu katra biedra avīzes linku un katram biedram būs pienākums abonēt pārējo kluba biedru avīzes.
Šajā rakstā ievietošu visu kluba biedru avīžu linkus numeroloģiskā secībā un sistemātiski atjaunošu avīžu sarakstu, kuru katram ir jāabonē.
Šāda sistēma atvieglos darbu jums katram pašam. Pieteikties var komentāros.
Call it madness, or as you want but greed for gold drives the game forward, it even had a gold rush in Alaska and other parts of the world. And now gold fever is in a virtual environment.
The idea which I have proposed are as follows - all interested parties who wish to maximize their number of subscribers in the newspaper to reach the MM medal I will ask to work in order to benefit themselves. I would like to set up a Sub 4 Sub Club,where each member newspapers link will be published and each member will be obliged to subscribe to the rest of the club members' newspapers.
Every club member newspaper link will be published in this article in a numerological order and systematically rebuild in club member list, which each need to subscribe.
Such a system will facilitate the work for you by your self. Applications are now open in comments.
- http://www.erevollution.com/lv/newspaper/1298
