Objavljeno u Indonesia - Analiza ratovanja - 11 Feb 2017 12:00 - 52

This is the second adress for citizens of Vae Victis and friendly countries.
Since the last adress, we held an elections and now we have new HQ. Abraham Lincoln is our new vSC while Lukas and Ready to Die are elected as MC and Tsilo is elected as SoFA. We have excellent team built by people who are pionate and experienced and ready to rule!
As you know a new update is implemented to game. We now have alliances as part of game and Vae Victis is the first alliance. After long discussions with Country Presidents and HQ, we have decided about how are we going to adapt to this new change. Therefore, we created Vae Victis Alpha. All countries will receive invitation soon. Besides, I am glad to announce that we will see new countries as part of our organization.
In my last adress it was begining of Albania campaign. Our opponents are still unable to defeat our member, Albania despite the fact that they launched 6v1 campaign. As side note, it is important to mention that Italy is the first country who went into war against us by relying on Délos and got wiped. I hope that will give a clear message to rest of them. I would also like to congratz all our members for epic battle we won today.

Other important campaign was against Hungary. Thanks to excellent organization and effort of Taiwan & Brazil, Hungary has no longer any coastal region. It was quick and successful operation. After kicking Bosnia out of US cores, Taiwan also participated this operation so they deserve applauds.
We are consist of countries who do not hesitate to go into war for each others and spend everything they have when the situation require. Let them try hard to find The Ones who will supposedly fall us apart. Forget about them, once again, lets hail Vae Victis o7
Kind Regards,
Supreme Commander

WarchiefmotorinamotorinamotorinaMengrelianBlak FoxTsiloCelioMGATEHTATOPOTDarken RahlCaptain HarlockaizoniaPatrokloslmperiusPiromanPiromanPiromanosteanromanKomentari (52)


SWITZERLAND STRONG NEVER SURRENDER. - oh u say the battle that croats didnt fight last hour???


Petros need NAP please dont speak 

Vae Victis o7

Vae Victis o7

Hail VV. o7

Hail VV the fall of VV nr...................................... ahahahahahahahah


Hail VV o7


a) mdp/vv cannot win epic battles for far too long. When you win it s just victories. Epic victories do only the other camp. Epicness requires a fight of weak against strong not the other way. If Goliath would defeat David, that wouldn t be epic. Now that we cleared the a) part lets move to b. I hope you get many more countries to mdp2 soon, so you all together kill this game, it has no meaning to play with *gamers* like these. c) I had forcast long ago that this effort would not turn into success as the anti-mdp world is really fragmented and difficult to compact a solid front. Good luck all see you again in a week or so

Yeah yeah sure. When Carapicho publishes an article and say that Vae Victis has less damage than others, you dont show up. When France publishes an article and say VV is not undefeatable, you dont show up. But when we win, it is just a victory. And whoever claim that FF + Delos is -weak-, must just quit the game.

follow my articles, not other people articles and if i comment there or not. Don*t pretend to be silly.

Hail VV... Hail Indonesia... o7

Who cares about VV, after i saw abe is back the rest is trash :3

@ktab So let me cry because I am losing battles? The game is dying, because even with Admins help, you can t win the wars? So many nonsenses... Just read Admins articles. The game is not dying, game is growing! Because of many new players, Admins are forced to start looking for the new Moderators. Who cares if the game is not interesting for you and couple more spoiled players? If you don t like an outcome, let spend some more money, buy weapons and EB for yourself and for your army, and maybe you will win some battles... Great article, again. Vote +support!

u better make one big federation, your local market and your national chat are dead. your battlefield list only easy RW, TW, expedition to get res.

Levi 5g or not a word. I will not give meaning to your life for free. Psychotherapy costs rl, it have to cost ingame too.

Taiwan No.1 !!!

btw if anyone is still looking for theOne, here is the link https://www.erevollution.com/en/profile/132


What? Why VV now is glad when wyping small unprotected countries? Where is idea about not destroying? Where is justice and equality from MDP?

Albania wins against 6 countries cause MDP has better organization...logic

Grow up ktab, even your jokes are pathetic. You spend so much your money, time and energy here, and yet you are just irrelevant player. Nobody is calling you in the Government, no chance for you to be CP, no place of SC in some alliances? So tragically... Why don t you organise another e-wedding? Give us all some entertainment. I believe Peaky is free. She is waiting your call so long :-)

What will be the countries in Vae Victis and Vae Victis Alpha?

Hail free world!



Hail Delos. Hail Spain

Levi, 5g for each debate comment. And I am dead serious, only you may consider this as joke; a matter of perception actually.

Hail VV... Hail Indonesia... o7

I already declared to cease game. But here I am to struggle to try balance. But I know it s mean-less try from me.

Don t lose yourself, it is only a game, ktab. Ask Admins, maybe they can help you. I already proved that you are lying when you try to convince us that you don t have time for the game. You are sitting whole day long and answering comments, so you are hyperactive ;-) Nevertheless, I can give this 5 gold, but you don t deserve it. Rather to donate some new players. Actually, this is what is needed in your coalition, a new, fresh blood. All of you, anti VV are old,well known, with same stubborn and uneffective approach, you are unable to defeat VV. PS Don t worry, I don t write my comments because of you. I am writing them because of players who don t know anything about you. And you are pissed off, because you know that everything what is written in them, it is simple the truth. Change yourself, change your way, and you will have success in the game. People don t like arrogant players.

Babyboom is important factor in game but enemy side says babyboom=multi and crying everytime : *VV is killing game* *VV Has more than world damage of %50* etc.. Pathetic...

Short and meaningful, unlike the Free World articles, I like it! Even the language is better

Heil VV! Heil Georgia!

¡Hail Paraguay!

Game is dying sentence is not the truth, its the wish of the loosing side because they are loosing badly. Everyone on the loosing side saying that game is dying but noone leaving, all of you still here
its just a cheap propaganda as usual.


i don t get why you compare the dmg of whole world vs VV and you say VV has less. How are you expecting 50 countries to organise their 5% more dmg they have against let s say 12 countries? it s obvious that in order things to change alliances have to change or else the so called Free World will only make temporary wins once in a while.

Fail VV o7

nice! v!

Fail MDP

See I like your articles better kinyas simply because yours are short and sweet.

VV no tem palavra

tg fdp !