
vzag21 - Novine od Georgia -

Objavljeno u Georgia - Društvene interakcije i zabava - 07 Mar 2017 06:15 - 30

No offense :D just for fun :)



Komentari (30)

lol Laugh o7
o7 first Turks
x), you know nothing ... azza s meme is a reply to another one. lol
typical Georgian logic...
Interesting what you mean by Georgian logic?
wow lol lel kek we are MDP we enjoy destroying this game we so proud of it.... who are you going to fight when you wipe everyone? make them sign humiliating ultimatums (read naps) and send everyone play other games? will that be your ultimate victory? to sit on 100% bonuses till you die of old age?
MasterAltair not our fault that u are bad at foreign affairs xD P.S. nonVV countries together are much stronger that vv if u dont know Laugh but u lack coordination+u simply hate having allies. Serbia croatia hungray france spain germany denmark and other strong countries if they coordinate together they can easily beat vv
Hahahahahahahaha good one. Who can beat over 1k turk and iranian bots who have been stocking on full resources while we had almost no bonuses? Add macedonia romania georgia and bulgaria plus some others. Even when we go to work in your countries we pay you taxes so you get profit either way so dont say we cab beat MDP easily. MDP lead by kinyas turned this game into farmville caring only for the bonuses and not war like before. This isnt war game for a long time and most of players will soon leave when you know what happens
i like flag counter most...
I saw some mistake first one david sorry but vv has more than %50 damage of world(i cant dream stocks) . and master look at apis turkey has not 1k active player or bot . I can guarentee 270-300 players is real player.
davidking don t listen to masteraltarije he is croatian troll and nobody cares about him.
Lolo!! V+
atleast make readable things that you post...
VV représente more than 55% of world damage with less than 20 countries. Easy to win.
David king dont listen to Melvinovicz he stole 700 gold from Croatia, nobody takes him seriously since that little stunt Laugh
MasterAltair well if u remember the past times, croatia and hungary together deleted turkey alone, with no nap terms, they were wiped out for very long time, but on the other hand vv always gives their oponents fair nap and 1-2 region to survive.
MasterAltair u dont like it ? then leave simple as that End of the conversation.
David king a fair nap? Are you fucking kidding me? Mdp leaves that country 2-3 regions while taking the rest. That country cant fight against any mdp country which means it has to vegetate until nap ends when it tries to get regions back only to get wiped again
Ahah :p
My article :c
too small can t read
Media warfare is actually a useful strategy.
We can t win in fight against VV but we can win media battle.
if you cant beat them, then join them. easy