Objavljeno u Turkey - Prvi koraci u eRevollution - 12 Mar 2017 11:32 - 120
Battles that have started yesterday are lasted 23 hours. Somehow, our opponents knew about it and tanked earlier. Here are couple of battles that ended in favor of them:
Battle Turkey vs Denmark - SS
Battle Romania vs Serbia - SS
Battle Georgia vs Bosnia - SS
Besides, our opponents are very fair that they did not hesitate to take advantage from bug and immediately launch new attacks. -
It is realy a shame to play against such people, hailing a bug and taking advantage from it. However, since we got used to their game-play, we are waiting an answer from Admin team about this. Obviously, such battles cannot be considered as won and we are waiting for solution.
Battles that have started yesterday are lasted 23 hours. Somehow, our opponents knew about it and tanked earlier. Here are couple of battles that ended in favor of them:
Battle Turkey vs Denmark - SS
Battle Romania vs Serbia - SS
Battle Georgia vs Bosnia - SS
Besides, our opponents are very fair that they did not hesitate to take advantage from bug and immediately launch new attacks. -
It is realy a shame to play against such people, hailing a bug and taking advantage from it. However, since we got used to their game-play, we are waiting an answer from Admin team about this. Obviously, such battles cannot be considered as won and we are waiting for solution.
Ts1loBuyukTurkATEHTATOPOTATEHTATOPOTgiovinco10BuyukTurkGigaBuyukTurkgiovinco10DstranGEGrey WindMengrelianastapourGiovinco69Nyx UlricnimeDieselPokusM A N T E XsorkhpostRomyKomentari (120)




First and pirinç




fixliyorum şuan bi saniye xd

hmmm I see u post the battles you CARE and the other battles with no vv country involved u dont give fk



Fix it! Pirincimi isterim 





Biraz uyanık olup diğer cepheleri takip etseniz yeterdi aslında 



really because you lost some battle?? you guys are dominating anyway so why you make so much trouble about this??

I dont see Greece-FYROM battle there, or that isnt important, yep you won that, so no need to talk about it



Dude we didn t tank earlier, we just prioritize your battle and hit hard. so don t be a cry baby, you probably won next one
just wait a little and we ( the weak side of that battle ) just have some fun.


They tanked earlier or they were just winning because they were defending, with DS Q5, etc?


Kindogan pls, as you know you are winning battles many time with multi, Tsilo o7 He dealt 60kk dmg and win 3battles


ahahah romania against Serbia 

Yes PEAKY! I thought the same thing! Please put gr battle in this list! Battle ended 1 hour ago and we didnt had the pleasure to troll greeks, germans, serbs and whoever else would have fought when we won it...

#FixTheBug i think.

https://www.erevollution.com/en/battlefield/9488/1 why dont you talk about that battle ?

#FixTheBug Also the battle of Greece VS (something like... fyrom?) was gifted to the fake state.



VV losing 3 day, we expect Your frustration but no need to publish such propaganda as it is included in text above. https://www.erevollution.com/en/battlefield/9488/1 here is a link to battle that You won because of daylight changes

Panzer MU didnt sign contract with Greece, so German damage wouldnt be there, we sign cotract to fight against B.... in one battle, but I urge you dont threat us all that you will leave game again.


Bugunuzda bogulacaksiniz 

Why kinyas and his puppets does not speak???

Stop your bullshit spin off please, nobody knew about what will happen. We all know that you let your opponents to lead and start hitting hard at the end of battles, and it is pretty much how every battle work against VV, defender try to make as much difference as possible knowing what will happen at the end, and that is why both Bosnia and Serbia were leading. Serbia was leading by 3 billions all day and Bosnia took lead hours ago. Denmark battle is pure stupidity by Turks, everybody saw what happen in previous two battles and expected the same, everybody but Turks.

We know about this bug, we have been abuse too in Lorraine Battle so i totally support you today Kinays.
Nothing ironic


Yav yorumlara ingiliççe yazıyorsunuz anlamıyorum

turkish cry babies again, boring.
leave a game already


XD When I opened these battle I ROFL hard, Damn Kindogan crying because imortant battle for Turkey is on top, another battle is overkilled by 3kkk and next is battle where countries was priority xD, Sorry You really cant win these battles XD but You can cry. Support for crying Kindogan


no matter if someone exploited the bug... if there is a bug, the battles (and their consequences) must be compensated.



i support the thing about fixing the bug but ρε μαλακα kinyas omg really...stop your stupid propaganda that your opponents knew about the bug stop watching ghosts everywhere and let us play the freaking game you st@pid piece of sh@t...αντε γαμησου πια κωλοπαιδο

Size 1 saat erken biten cephe bizede erken bitti
ama tabiki fix düzeltilmeli savaşlarda düzenleme yapılmamalı bizim hakkımız yenilmiş olur

Kinyas we didn t know about bug either #FixTheBug

VV is the bug


Bullshit article




Πέστα ΣπυροΒ ΧΡΥΣΟΣΤΟΜΕ!!!

@Petros...petros. Leave Greece so they can get regions free of charge!!!



Her turlu bugun fixlenmesinden yanayiz, #fixthebug



Fix the cry bug xd




#43 :v

Arreglen la wea, lajis.

SpyrosB arguments seems legit to me

#hayir #stopthebug #16april


gib rubber to Romania 

You forgot Greece-Fyrom battle, where your opponents tanked earlier because they knew about this... right?


Lol..pls delete article..

https://www.erevollution.com/en/battlefield/9495/1 I don t see that battle on your cry list... oh wait nvm you won that

It s really embarrassing, admin! One should know how to code in this day and age.


This is not a bug it is s feature!

It is maybe cause of....Every year this time,The time zones are changed to one hour earlier.
So the time of server was changed.

Fix the bug or Turkish community will leave the game!

Everyone is playing this game, and similar games, and nobody know when is time changing on servers? Are you kidding me

Me : http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2016/49/1481410269-untitle.gif


από την πόρτα σου περνώ και τηγανίζεις ψάρια και μου πετάς έναν κεφτέ, ευχαριστώ δεν καπνίζω.



Albania cs Italy... you wont that one and didnt mention it? Shame on you


Paranoia confirmed. Opponents knew it lol...

Putain juste parce que vous perdez des batailles. Vae Victis et le fair-play, ça arrivera jamais. Bordel vous me saoulez.


cry me a river

Again turkish community crying :-)

fix or kebabs gonna leave game


Kinyas aka kirdogan, crynyas / +1 @Mushvan

no lifer

get 60% of world dmg, huge map advantage that you never mention that should be fixed to bring balance in game and cry about fair game because you speculate that someone knew about some bug that lasted 1 day.. Bravo Kinyas Bravo , you outdone your self here o7

@athentator, about your trolling, yea you right you are trolling greeks by trying to be bigger greeks than them selfs.. for god sake you idolize greeks so much that some of you (not you personaly , you know you are my slavic brother) even believe that you descendants of ancient greeks . for God sake you even erected statues to Greeks all around your country . If thats not self-troll i dont know what is it

ro-serbia .... https://gyazo.com/fa459077312b3a5bfe78f8a975868dbe

The game was right
Sorry not Sorry

Kindoğan, Kirdagan beni çok güldürdü
Ne batmış bizim reis adamlara ya, hoşuna gitmeyen şeyleri söyleyen birini görünce onunla bağdaştırıyolar hemen.
Hey guys, your action of naming people as ...dogan (such as kindogan) who talks unfavorably against you made me laugh so much
It is obvious that he (erdogan) made a lot of influence on you.

Serbia wining battle by first min :-) and u cry for that battle. Poor Kinyas u are the best :-) ...

If we are all playing the same game, shouldn t we all be following the same rules, which include not taking advantage of bugs in the game. Not sure why it would make a difference who is complaining about the broken game.

I feel totally indignant. Yesterday I lost my BH, the first medal for this barbarity happened and that affected my alliance partners. I hope there is a solution to this.
SS : http://prnt.sc/ejl44m
Pdt : Sergio roba BH



they dealt more damage and won, what s the big deal?



#FixTheMap #SouthKorea #1yearsofbug #googlemap

Hai Greece

take it like a man and stop crying