Objavljeno u Brazil - Političke debate i anazlize - 26 Jun 2017 08:04 - 33

Nós fomos oponentes do Brasil no começo. Embora eles estivessem no lado oponente, eles foram orgulhosos e poderosos, tipo de país que qualquer um gostaria de ter ao seu lado. Após meses de luta, o destino nos uniu e nós tivemos uma oportunidade de lutar lado a lado. Eu, pessoalmente, conheci muita gente boa lá. Eu tenho que mencionar um nome, BIG GIL, que nós fizemos promessas um para o outro no começo e fico feliz que ambos as cumprimos por todo esse tempo. Ele encontrou um dos exércitos mais fortes deste jogo e merece muito respeito. Agora, eles escolheram outro caminho que eu estou certo que será diferente do nosso por agora. Boa sorte, irmãos, é divertido jogar este jogo com jogadores como vocês.

We were opponents with Brazil in first stages. Although they were on opponent side, they have been proud and powerful, kind of country that anyone would like to have on their side. After months of fighting, des brought us together and we had an opportunity to fight side by side. I personally met great people there. I have to mention one name, BIG GIL, that we made promises to each others in the begining and I am glad that we both fulfilled that all this time. He found one of the strongest armies of this game and deserves much respect. Now, they have chosen another path which I am sure will be different than ours for only time being. Good luck brothers, it is fun to play this game with players like you.

eCarterno0bsailbotsorkhpostGeorgian SoliderKomentari (33)

Brazil o7

Ozellikle ilk paragrafa kesinlikle katiliyorum o7

Brazil o7

Just please don t make MDP 3.0 after these leaves.


Ah kinyas ah teker gidiyorlar köle ülkelerinle başbaşa kaldın

Brasil o7


Brasil o7

Thank you for everything o7

I love how you didnt translate the headline to keep things cool. FAREWELL TO BRAZIL! Now that would make quite a bad impression, wouldn t it? You re clever Kinyas, that school of politics is really paying off for you.

u know nothing kinyas

Heil Brazil o7

Nice kinyas. Thanks for all Bro o7

Hail Brazil

No entendi. Brasil se fue de VV, VV lo echo o se fueron los turkos que vivian en brasil?

yok artık

Criollito +1

Vae Victis right now: https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/27988

The noble way to say Goodbye.

good luck


you are so boring



Aquele google tradutor fddo 

Ancestral, then you know this language better than President of Brazil since the article is translated directly by him.

Brazil o7