Objavljeno u Turkey - Prvi koraci u eRevollution - 01 Oct 2017 09:30 - 64
Today I will publish an interview with Biskvit, former Admin of eRevollution. He was one of the founders and left out of team not too long ago. In my humble opinion, the game began to fall after that and who knows, maybe latest events would not occur if he was still around.
1- What happened back then, how come you left out of admin team?
2 of the 5 admins started another game -e*dom. I warned them not to do it as they would destroy the community, but they went with it anyway. I begged them to at least change time where the game happens(past or future) but they refused. After their game was launched, I did all i could to stop players from advertising it on erev but sekulla and uros were strongly against it. Thus i requested my fair share of the game paid to me but got half of it at the end.
I have to say Tropico and Charon were correct to the end, while Uros and Sekulla were scheeming all the time behind our backs.

2- What do you think was the biggest problem of eRevolution? What kind of ideas you had to improve game?
There were hundrends of great idea by players which would improve the game, and as I read them i p them along to admin channel but all of them were ignored. I now know the reason for that is because they stopped development of erev so all the programming was done for edo*minations. Sekulla was single handedly stopping app design development, and all he did for erev was weekly events (which are mostly copied from AION online MMORPG game).
3- Latest events started with the thought of infliation of gold in game. It was kinda obvious since begining to be honest and many players warned management about this. Have you ever had any idea to solve this problem before it is too late?
I am not informed about latest inflation of gold in the game, as i didnt log in since I left, but my guess is that they want to end the game by forcing players to quit. If they just shut down servers, everyone who made payment to them in last 6 months could request money back via paypal.
4- What do you think about latest events, as far as you are aware of? Revolution of players, leaving of Freakman, etc. Do you think eRev is dead?
It is to be expected, it was dead as soon as same developers started another clone of the same game.
5- There has always been accusations to admins and moderators about being biased. What do you think about that? What kind of problems you faced during your term?
Well certainly high paying players were sometimes forgiven for transgressions but even them were sometimes banned. As for the moderators, we had some good ones and some bad ones, its hard to remember it all now.
6- What do you think about that other game of Freakman?
It is a clone of erev in every way.
7- Are you planning to create your own game?
Maybe if I get the time, currently busy on some other projects :)
8- What happened between you and SSF back then? That caused many Serbian players leave the game.
Dont remember it all, i just know one of the mods that was in SSF was spying with mod panel and convering their tracks on using multies.

9- What was the role of Diamond Lady in game? She was company owner in title but always claimed the she has no role or influence in game.
She is personal friend to Uros. Company was registered to her so we could implement paysafecard payments. She was mod for a while but she was very innactive.
10- Anything you like to say for players of eRevolution?
Game is dead, it was fun while it lasted. As Bear Grylls says: Improvise. Adapt. Overcome
I would like to thank Biskvit for honestly answering my questions and wish him luck for his projects :)
Today I will publish an interview with Biskvit, former Admin of eRevollution. He was one of the founders and left out of team not too long ago. In my humble opinion, the game began to fall after that and who knows, maybe latest events would not occur if he was still around.
1- What happened back then, how come you left out of admin team?
2 of the 5 admins started another game -e*dom. I warned them not to do it as they would destroy the community, but they went with it anyway. I begged them to at least change time where the game happens(past or future) but they refused. After their game was launched, I did all i could to stop players from advertising it on erev but sekulla and uros were strongly against it. Thus i requested my fair share of the game paid to me but got half of it at the end.
I have to say Tropico and Charon were correct to the end, while Uros and Sekulla were scheeming all the time behind our backs.

2- What do you think was the biggest problem of eRevolution? What kind of ideas you had to improve game?
There were hundrends of great idea by players which would improve the game, and as I read them i p them along to admin channel but all of them were ignored. I now know the reason for that is because they stopped development of erev so all the programming was done for edo*minations. Sekulla was single handedly stopping app design development, and all he did for erev was weekly events (which are mostly copied from AION online MMORPG game).
3- Latest events started with the thought of infliation of gold in game. It was kinda obvious since begining to be honest and many players warned management about this. Have you ever had any idea to solve this problem before it is too late?
I am not informed about latest inflation of gold in the game, as i didnt log in since I left, but my guess is that they want to end the game by forcing players to quit. If they just shut down servers, everyone who made payment to them in last 6 months could request money back via paypal.
4- What do you think about latest events, as far as you are aware of? Revolution of players, leaving of Freakman, etc. Do you think eRev is dead?
It is to be expected, it was dead as soon as same developers started another clone of the same game.
5- There has always been accusations to admins and moderators about being biased. What do you think about that? What kind of problems you faced during your term?
Well certainly high paying players were sometimes forgiven for transgressions but even them were sometimes banned. As for the moderators, we had some good ones and some bad ones, its hard to remember it all now.
6- What do you think about that other game of Freakman?
It is a clone of erev in every way.
7- Are you planning to create your own game?
Maybe if I get the time, currently busy on some other projects :)
8- What happened between you and SSF back then? That caused many Serbian players leave the game.
Dont remember it all, i just know one of the mods that was in SSF was spying with mod panel and convering their tracks on using multies.

9- What was the role of Diamond Lady in game? She was company owner in title but always claimed the she has no role or influence in game.
She is personal friend to Uros. Company was registered to her so we could implement paysafecard payments. She was mod for a while but she was very innactive.
10- Anything you like to say for players of eRevolution?
Game is dead, it was fun while it lasted. As Bear Grylls says: Improvise. Adapt. Overcome
I would like to thank Biskvit for honestly answering my questions and wish him luck for his projects :)
TopSecretFYNhAtropatesSDajjalRyuko MatoiEl ProfesorccccaaaaGoodbye o7Kh4ronDarken RahlDarken RahlDarken RahlHuMaVino0bsailbotno0bsailbotGrey WindGrey WindTadaLoving Pabl0DictAt0RDictAt0RDictAt0RDictAt0RDictAt0RDictAt0RDictAt0RDictAt0RDictAt0RDictAt0RcoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreorderscoreordersthondrasUltramagicTomiALBMaeveAridanradanischimsorkhpostStervoDstranGEcikanekicaMrNiCkMrNiCkALI13iliaspanagoSultan Haydar BasKomentari (64)



Sad But True

Lomikurče o/

wow indeed

wow x3

well.... fuck.

The dark side of the game lol

Wow da benden aq


hahaha, you were part of the actions for destoying the game. BY banning some players and not banning your friends. let*s cry some more

I want to buy ALL THE GAME for 600 golds.

Good Job o7

Some admins think that players are stupid. And yet a lot of players guessed very well what was happening.

only for 18+ http://prntscr.com/grylz1


Yea, game seems to be dead. From what I understand they want people to leave considering the recent events. The fact that the gold buying is disabled probably means that these guys will just keep server alive for some time so that people that bought gold or packs recently wont get their refund in money. After certain time passes from the last transaction they will shut the game down I think.


i Buy erevollution license pm me

Buying gold is no longer possible so they can close the game in some months without any disputes with paypal.

let us know if you create a new game dear Biskvit

Is possible continue cry even after stop?

@Ancestral this whole situation gets sadder and sadder. If they have enough sense to avoid getting hit with a bunch of PP disputes, you d think they could figure out how to keep the game going, if nothing else then by adding new content or implementing some of the better player ideas to reinvigorate the game. 

Dont worry dude, nobody want play another game from the same sh***y people, Plato is better admin

Than 2 left for take cash alone in another hahahaha )((;:://
Another 2 stay for boycott erev ----;;::;
And admin alone now €@€€€
Ok and ?

how many of you guys think that this article will be deleted ?

Kinyas, the killer of erev

Topsecret +1

Kolacicu sagni se i ne vadi ga izusta, ne siri lazi i nebprodaj maglu, da sam pokrivao tragove multija i krsio pravila igre, ti bi me banovao, a ne bi ti pobjego spustenih gaca...


Great article o7

Everyone who wants to leave, just leave, but dont create an account in . While there are the same creators,you can expect the same end as for erev. Hope Biskvit will create a game and will find out about it

Blame the one who cant defend himself....

Nece da brisu da bi se ljudi upoznali sa situacijom, tj da bi sami otisli...

good effort to expose the backstage of the game, but asking me, they are ALL responsible about the situation the game is right now. Some more, some less. None has pardon.

Biskvit for prez!

uništili ste obje igre jednim potezom,i tamo če ljudi odustati nakon ovoga ovdje...najbolja igra od svih igranih u ovih 7-8 godina je bila iceapple,to da ste ovdje ubacili zbog grafike koja podsjeca na bilo bi sasvim ok,od war moduka,zida,corporacija i ekonomije do igte bez multija,apsolutno br.1.
Pozdrav svima koje sam upoznao u ovoj igri o7

Very nice, thanks to Biskvit for his answers. Very interesting.

this is probably the end

leaked info new game coming out e2click+do

what ist the truth ?????????

Cim ste ubacili e.d.o.m.i.n. igra je gubila igrace,nakon turnira igra je MRTVA jos je ugasute i gotovq prica 

It s not a game anymore, it s a corpse.

ne diyor burada ingilizce yazmış

Im gonna keep playing until the day is closed or I get bored. None of my friends quit, so I have to styay for them and because still funny to me.
I respect all decisions, but to all people staying: Keep playing, more wars, more fun!

Really loved to waste time with this sh.t... made me sad to learn ugly truth


Biskvit o7

Biskvit o7 damn just leave the game

Alléluia alléluia alléluia someone return from death 😄

its time to go back to eRap 


One of the best and most honest Mods on the game. o7

Voted o7

I played several months with him. he is a very honest person. why wouldn t he start a new game ?

The time when ed0m start i knew this game would die soon.

We said it about SSF mod phantom :3