Objavljeno u Japan - Političke debate i anazlize - 18 Jan 2018 08:37 - 51

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News from Japan - https://www.erevollution.com/sr/article/30863

Having many loyal and Great friends is the key of success!!!

Nice! Well done, my congratz!

v c


Nice one
As for Geisha Ive found one myself so Ive drink with her 


Synthetic countries never succeed. Your efforts are futile. Observe how Estonia failed. 10 people posting articles and voting them to the front page is no the key to success, making wise decisions is.

Go play some Paladins, we will make Country amk! 

Georgians trying to be Kawaii amk
Go back to Georgia

amk omawa mu shimdeiru

good luck 

@Fynh amk i mamashenia shvilo xD

Well, I m really crying : D

The flag you used on the map is a war crime flag.
In some countries it is synonymous with Nazi Hakenkreuz.
Did you know that fact and used it?

@nihao seems you like it ha? ;-)

@nihao, no i dont know for that. Sorry.

Ne vraćaj mi se ovamo bez jedne Katane na poklon 

@Vladika. Neces mi verovati da sam pomislio na tebe i tvoj clanak pri razmisljanju gde da pocnem eputovanje. Ako Bog da da se vidimo jednom u RL, katana je poklon od mene !

@nihao, The Japanese rising sun is flag used since 1870. It s not our issue what are your association about it. We are representing Japanese culture, and so far we didn t use nazi ideology, so please stop accusing us for something what we didn t do at all. Japan was a target of massive invasion of army leaded by Chinese emperor. In this army was also Koreans soldiers. This is past in RL, and this, here, is a game. You have no need for mixing RL issues with game.


gj srdjan o7

I won t deny that the symbol was used before the Japanese Military took it, but neither did the Nazi swastika.
Also, the flag of the Japanese Empire, was the same as modern day Japan s, so there s no need to use that weeb flag.
Damn weaboos, and their weaboo things lmao.

Nazi swastika - Swastika

Swastika have been used sikce the dawn of civilization. In my country it aint illegal

But it is not widely used, at least after that Nazi scumbag did that things, what I mean is that the flag is not something as cool as you might thing, just saying.

After all, wan sum fuk?

If South Koreans join United Empire of Japan and Korea , their political impact will change our symbols. As long as you continue against uniting pacific countries, you will have a chance to enjoy in beauty of The Rising Sun ;-)

jellal is right if you dont want to live under the rising sun you must come and change it


Shame on you. You guys definitely crossed a line. This is not a game issue. You do not have the right to laugh at historical or racial tragedies. You guys are rude at first, so I do the same. You dumbfuk Georgians are fukin slaves of the Muslim and russia.

it s ridiculous, Are Georgian all stupid like you?

Maybe You guys have historically been raped too much by the European, muslim and Russian powers, so rational thinking is impossible.

jappan rob korea.
Russia rob georgia
Your actions are the same as in 1921.
so Да здравствует Россия same XD.

we will see

@qurcika: My answer is the same as before.
戰死易 假道難.

1274. and 1281. Kublai Khan attempt an assault of Japan with massive forces. Koreans was a soldiers in this armies. Should we imagine what could happen if their campaign was successful? Thanks to kamikaze (divine wind) and brave Japanese soldiers, this didn t happen. People here has wrong ideas about the past blaming only Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan for war crimes, and often forgetting what colonial superpowers did in their colonies. So, we are not buying a cheap propaganda, what is done in the past... its done, according to usual customs of war in this time. I am not justifying, just showing the pure reality.

Thanks to kamikaze (divine wind) and brave Japanese soldiers, this didn t happen?
Tnahks to Kamilkaze(divine wind) only have.

South Korea was also dragged into the war and forced to participate.
Japan wanted a war by itself.
Japan raped a number of women.
Japan is still the victim, remains unreflected and they are in power.
That is, German citizens still pledge allegiance to the Nazi flag, and Hitler continues to reign.
If you want to tell the story before me, read the full essay and confront it.

So Russia is not wrong to keep invading and erasing Georgia, and it is a very good feat.

Don t you know if your logic is still wrong?
The first mistake you made when you invaded Korea into Japan.
Second, if they really wanted territory, they did not choose to rent it in a peaceful way.
Third, I did not know what history the Republic of Korea had.
Lastly, I praised Japan without even knowing its history.
Koreans will never forget this incident.

And now I m not saying anything as the Prime Minister of Korea, but as an individual.

What da hell is hentalming about 🤣🤣🤣🤣 we are playing a game not fighting kn real life or rap1ng anyone except south korea

@yerin individual i dont know you so it is just game as said gigi
some countries are deleted some rise )

About RL - I believe that you are not familiar with history as much as you want to present yourself YeRin. Some parts of this armies in Medieval time survived and Japanese forces defend Japan in fight against them. Actually, the point was... if Koreans had a chance to defeat Japanese, they will be able to do same things as Japanese, simply because this was a war customs in that period. Japan suffer also in WWII, especially during the bombing campaign on Japanese cities and 2 nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Consequences are present even today. Capitulation of Imperial Japan was inevitable not only because of bombing campaign... Soviet Red Army was on the doorstep of main Japanese islands, conquering Kurili islands and preparing assault on Hokaido. In this situation, capitulation to USA was simply a better choice :-/

About the game. @YeRin, I am talking now as a PM of Imperial Japan (please consider that I am eJapanese in the game not Georgian). We already approach your CP and offer uniting of two countries Japan and Korea (notice that I recognize only 1 Korea, not Southern and Northern part of single country). New country could use the name of United Empire Japan and Korea (something similar to United Kingdom). There was 2 offers on the table. First was joining Japanese to Korea (Southern part) and conquering Japanese and other Koreans regions. Second offer was joining Koreans to Japan. Official answer of your country was refusing both offers. About the next part you have a right. Japan started a war and we are going to conquer all Koreans regions. We are not interested for renting, because we have a different vision of successful campaign in the Game. Time for small countries and their alliances is gone. If you have any intentions to play this game serious, you should know that only big countries can be important. Here in Japan we don t want to be servants of interest of some other country (I see that interest of Montenegro is more important than interest of any other country in Pacifica). We will create United Empire on Pacific, with you or without you and Koreans regions will be part of this country. I would like to have you here and do this together, but if you are still stubborn and believe that you are defending interest of Korea (you are not, you are just helping expansion of Montenegro),...well... be my guest. See you on the battlefields.

Actually, the point was... if Koreans had a chance to defeat Japanese, they will be able to do same things as Japanese, simply because this was a war customs in that period?
According to the essay, Korea (Joseon) spent its budget on welfare rather than investing it in military power, accepting the Ming and Neo-Confucianism . The argument was wrong because a country focusing on welfare could not raise its military power.

We already approach your CP and offer uniting of two countries Japan and Korea (notice that I recognize only 1 Korea, not Southern and Northern part of single country). New country could use the name of United Empire Japan and Korea (something similar to United Kingdom). There was 2 offers on the table. First was joining Japanese to Korea (Southern part) and conquering Japanese and other Koreans regions. Second offer was joining Koreans to Japan. Official answer of your country was refusing both offers.
Both suggestion were meant to occupy the country, and there were enough peaceful alliances, which were in effect. Don t try to trick me with a stupid trick.

but if you are still stubborn and believe that you are defending interest of Korea (you are not, you are just helping expansion of Montenegro),...well... be my guest. See you on the battlefields.
If it is the only way to get rid of illegally invaded thieves, I would enforce it even if I were to form an alliance with the world, not Montenegro.

YeRin. You said to me I can t speak English but you speak it now? o7

According to your logic, this way Korea can also occupy Japan.