Objavljeno u Estonia - Financijsko poslovanje - 05 Jul 2020 03:56 - 1
After long list of awful updates, I would like to propose one minor update, that does not change much, does not require a ton of work, but is exceptionally annoying.
Admin, allow players to downgrade the first food company, which was given by the game for free!
I understand the logic why players should not be able to sell or delete them, but forcing players into having a Q5 food company that no longer makes sense and is just overall awful investment is not a great way to build trust with your players.
Admin, allow players to downgrade the first food company, which was given by the game for free!
I understand the logic why players should not be able to sell or delete them, but forcing players into having a Q5 food company that no longer makes sense and is just overall awful investment is not a great way to build trust with your players.
Green EyesPony of Darknessednauadinn17jistosaspujistosaspujistosaspujistosaspujistosaspuVancho72Komentari (1)

Yes. Those first given factories should be downgradeable too. And maybe they shoul be marked with extra colour fi.. that way I know better which factory to downgrade and destruct and which not