Objavljeno u Serbia - Društvene interakcije i zabava - 25 Nov 2020 03:53 - 5

mrnnastaseMagellanMukhraniPony of DarknessPony of DarknessrivertonrivertonBunnyLiuBunnyLiubarcelona oleeeAndartesFurious GeorgeFurious GeorgeFurious GeorgeFurious GeorgeFurious Georgebarcelona oleeeBullterier11Captain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockCaptain HarlockPeakybarcelona oleeececa_79TaTa RaTamrarizonaKomentari (5)

Little Article - FASTING https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/36776

Also there is a theory that fasting can increase longevity (calorie restriction diet)


Slight correction Moses Fasted for 80 days. he went up came down seen people was worshiping a golden calf DASHED the tablets and the next day he went back up for another 40 days. No telling if he ate during that one day he was down the mount, But to me, it doesn t matter one day in my opinion that is extreme fortitude. I have also seen a doctor s log and following a man who fasted for an entire year he was obese he worked out and lost ALL of his weight and was actually muscular when he got done.

@Pony of Darkness Theory shmeary when the body goes into ketosis it generats mass amounts of STEM cells (cleaning and repairing the body) some richy riches pay thousands maybe even hundreds of thousands of dollars for this exact process. I guess the rich cant stop stuffing there faces long enough to realize they are waisting money. I guess I could lock some rich people up and demand 100,000 for not feeding them but I think people call that something else...