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Objavljeno u United Kingdom - Političke debate i anazlize - 11 Jan 2016 10:31 - 21
Greetings UK Citizens! 

This is the first update of the newly established Provisional Committee, formed to provide effective administration until the first elected Government is in place. 

The membership of the Provisional Committee is as follows: 

 AaronMDaniels (Chairman)

 Sambo223 (Vice-Chairman)





In the interim period before the existence of an elected President and Congress, this committee will put in place a basic functioning government and work to ensure a strong position for the UK globally. 


We have made contact with a number of countries that have formed their own provisional administrations, and we have begun to outline a potential pact involving: 

The United States




That's all for this update, we will have more information soon. If you would like to get involved with the committee's work, let us know. o7 


Alejandro MadridHunBurry

Komentari (21)

The Republic of Venezuela Salutes you o7
Well, Hi! Cheeky
Oi, where I at?
Let me into MoHA pl0x
hi from croatia
Hello from france o/
o7 From USA
USA comitee will be up soon, we look forward to possibly working with you all.
Hi from Republic of Srpska (Serbians Bosnia) Smile
P.S Serbia and USA there will be no allies, Serbs dont like USA and dont like UK Laugh Serbia-Russia forever!!!
The Republic of Venezuela Salutes you o7
Voted o7
Cool, you've recreated eUK over here...
Just trying to get things working Rory, you are more than welcome to help; could use your help
Could I help I am Alex you know me Addaway/Slagaway Smile Also I am willing to be in the first Goverment of UK in this new game. Great article Slagaway Laugh