The Voice Of Justice

R.I.P Ukraine

Megjelenés helye Iran - Hadügyi elemzések - 22 Jun 2016 04:32 - 66

o citizens of eWorld, today we can announce that the great and powerful MDP has accomplished its mission,conquering the whole "once upon a time" mighty eUkraine.
so the funeral is held by their ally,although they didn't do much to rescue eUkraine they managed a very good ceremony.

and as it went well, the funeral may rest in peace.

meanwhile in MDP...
at the end we all wanna thank eUkraine,without your help we couldn't reach this achievement




Hozzászólások (66)

آخه فرانسه کجا کمک کرد؟
جهت خالی نبودن صحنه بود به دل نگیر یاشار جانSmile)
جون هرکی رو دوست داری این فرانسه رو حذف کن :| اوکراینیا بیشتر از فرانسه به ما کمک کردند!
خخخ کلا خیلی خوب بود
خیلی خوب بود. 😃😃
به جای فرانسه تایوانو بزار تایوانم خیلی کمک کرد
(╥﹏╥) شما بهترین دوستان منو از من گرفتین (╥﹏╥)
@rezaderaz حله درستش کردم
باحال بود خخخخ
LMFAO! Respect for all enemies and Gratitudes to all allies Smile o7
خيلي جالب بود ارشيا جان راستي اندونزي هم خوب كمك ميكردش بعد تايوان بودش دميجاش هميشه
amethyst77 با سخن شما موافقم 07
what a great information about ukraine o7
Nice Smile)
عالی توپ توپV+S+C S4S
ایول خیلی جالب بود.
Isnt it MDP s mission to defend their members from other countries according to MDP statute
خیلی عالی و جالب بود
خوابای خوب ببینییییییییی ستاره بچینیییییییی خداحافظظظظظ بوس بوس اوکراینم Smile))
and georgia just saw your die!
Cheers! Smile payback is a b*tch
I thought MDP stated that they will never wipe a country, but leave a region or two _
hahahaha Laugh NIE ARTICLE
Great, first Ukraine helped Iran and saved it from eliminating several times (notice, that you declared war on us, not Ukraine on Iran) and now Iranians making articles with ukraine in coffin. Yes, great people, i think we should think next time before to help you
o7 deserved
Now dissolve MDP
we could delete them if ukraine wouldnt help iran in the early days so you wouldnt be deleted today ukraine Laugh
nice touch! Laugh
we vait Smile))
دمت گرم خیلی باحال بودSmile
@vooztrollin Ukraine have most damage against Iran after Georgia and we saw your huge help to them in our recent war with Georgia , Ukraine helping Iran in the past is a funny joke ! you mean these 120 k ? Laugh ... i think you should think before make decisions like leaving Eclipse for MDP and Serbia next time bro !
georgia never asked someone not to bang as it has power to protect it s core regions with ds s against every single country in this game. moreover we lost previous battle with iran not of your strenght but of cowerdness of our polititions who was not fighting for us but signing unvalid naps and than trying to protect it. you think you could won when ruf bange you if half of our citizens fought their? no. cowerd polititions ordered them not to fight. so stop it Iran you make us to laugh. do not make our mistakes and do not think you are cool.we spend everything in Turkish war s and you collected it for 3 monthes so you where full and we empty and no one got surprise that you won as turkes did not help us. (I say turke s because only it was in peace that time) and now you are making a same mistake Smile. so good luck Cheeky turks become like japan. as they also started to use friend s. that actually told me their previos president that they needed japanes damage for their side. and war between us to show you that noone will fight you when you are on advance and serbia on defence they all will find for them. that s why turkes did not fight for us. as if they will someone would help you too and they did not wanted that Smile. . . and yes white shadow. georgia watched it as our government and people could not choose between 2 friends and they become cowered they even did not said anything when you broke a nap and fought in our resistance in syuinek. and Turkes used it too well they used us together Smile they are using everything too well . . . Smile
We shall rise up from the ashes! There are reasons we lost the war vs Turkey.Of course, we thank our loyal allies and remember the traitors! Serbia and Iranfor the firat you will pay for you did according to us. Thanks for reading me comment.
giga chi mige
@Giga, funny boy. We were not at peace there. Our government already said you we were trying to liberate Greece from TRS occupation. We didn t used you, if you guys weren t declare war to Croatia, as soon as they gather enough power they would attack you too. So, by declaring war to Croatia you didn t just helped us but helped yourself too. So stop crying about that. And second issue, Iran-Georgia war. Well, we had good relations with both Georgia and Iran. And remember that one of war reasons from Iran side, Armenia was wiped by Georgia for nothing. War is not necessary if you can stop it. But you choose to fight.
Ukraine is not dead!
tukyu my sun do not speak what you do not know please Smile armenia was wiped as they signed mpp with japan and serbia. and your shiro and trs was promissing us not to invole in that war and georgia will stay untouched as ukraine was protecting us and they did not want to break a relatonship with them Smile but this we took that battle as ours this guys you look like as funny boys speaking everything when knowing nothing Smile speak with shiro he will share some info s Smile. good luck, i spoke even more than needed i am not angry and do not cry. we all study from our expiariance. and about turkish-iranian relationship you should speak then when they where wiping you from hungarian side Smile and where sorry that had nap with us and was not breaking it Smile
R.I.P eUkraine . it will get your turn to wipe dude @giga
what a finish!! Laugh voted
ბლა ბლა ბლა ამდენი მუქარით ყლეს ვერ მოგვჭამთ ძირში
დედაც მოვტყან თურქების.ნაბიჭვრები!!!
First of all I should thank all our allies for helping us in our wars (not only with Ukraine). And second of all I have to pay respect to our great opponents for fighting hard.
Keep deleted cheater country. They really f*cked the game with their cheating. Hateful. Ukraine have 10-20 players which ***everyone*** of them fight more than 10-20 other players. so it is something stranger
ahahha Laugh
@Tukyu, stop speaking with a man without brain. Those who think Turkey uses a country should check the relation bte Tr Gr, then think before next time before writing about my Country cos i dont want to see Tr s name in filty mouths.
jihadi barbarians
hahaha :d aero you where so sweet when needed our help and discussing plan s with me you know Smile. such were Iranian s. when firstly my government wiped them they where crying for peace with me and I made my government to change mind and not to ask iran his land s for rent Smile Smile to finish that nonsence quickly . . . you all just easily forget everything and make yestardays enemys as friend s and agianst friend s enemy s I undertand that is a politic and everyone tries to be with stronger one but I never Smile that s why i am still with you Smile
Think, Arshia is a new player and don t know all things Ukraine done for Iran and vice versa. When Amir and Amin were Ministers we had great friendship.
It s just for fun guyz! Dont panic Laugh
انشالله بعدی گرجستان رو میزاریم تو اون تابوت اخ کی اون روز میرسه حیف افتادن به پامون که حذفشون نکنیم ما هم که حساسسسس
Respect for Ukraine...
@ahwazz خخخ...فعلا جون سالم بدر میبرن!!!
AlexSar @ You are right my brother.we had great friendship.This article is just a simple humor were my frined.good luck