Megjelenés helye Turkey - Bulvár és szórakozás - 28 Jul 2016 12:45 - 63

LawyeRInarius RebornSantiago 45GrandTCEmphosTTTThnzdhnzdTRmanTomKranichLyell ThirdGiovanno69Eldarion SionnodelHozzászólások (63)


Voted o7

zaaa xd

o7 xD


v o7

az egészben csak a kommancs jelkép fáj a magyar labdán. örülök, hogy így döntött(ünk), nem vagyunk árulók.

o7 xD


where is france????


@nino19 pro-MDP France is we brothers yes, but this gif is about the last war.


We just don t fight to delete someone 

@Dorian Grey Thank you for your previous support 


Eline saglik o7


Good night to you too
Thanks for the great fight!
We will be back soon 

@Dorian Grey little late for that

@NightwatcherHUN We are looking forward 



Hail Turani Brotherhood! Hail Vlachia and its faithful lapdog Turkey! Hail true Honour a la Turkoromani style!

best countryball paint skills!

Bye Bye.

Thank you Bikkin. Hail to Hungary as well for deleting us in the past. Good fight Hungary, waiting for you to come back! o7

LOOOL rly good ^^ V+S

Well... at least they are not Turks 

I m afraid you made a mistake !!

Lütfen hemen her yeri alalım. v1737373849604930. 2......

@Bikkin, I said that f million times... Turanian Brotherhood doesn t exist here. Stop crying. Also stop insulting Romania and us.

Fsck MDP

And you are proud of you...


@Attila the Hun:
First, I told you million times: it seems Turanian Brotherhood nowhere exists for you Turks except for rhetorics. That is an empirical statement, not crying.
Second, as for insults, it is enough insult for you the be the puppies of the Vlachi. And that is also a fact, not crying.
Third, Attila himself would be ashamed seeing you with the new brothers you found for yourself. Perhaps you should find a moniker more suitable for you and your kind. I am gladly here to help you with this: what about Attila the Roma? Traian the Hun would also suffice, I reckon. Both names reflect your thinking and new communion well. But using a man s name who certainly would spit on your face for the behaviour you constantly show here is an insult in itself.

Lol, relax man that s just a f game... I m also for Turanian Brotherhood in REAL LIFE! And also, Attila would be ashamed when he saw you guys with your Serbian and Croatian masters xD

@Bikkin , This is just a game. This is not real life. Behave yourself! We are Turk Nationalist. Hail Turanian Brotherhood! Hail Modu Chanyu! Hail Attila! Hail Chaghri Beg! Hail Alparslan! Hail Suleiman the Magnificent!

@Attila LOL,hungarians and serbs fought together against ottomans for centuries.

@TerrorMachine, You don t know the old Turkish history, you do not know the tribal migration. You do not know the origin of Hungarian.

I love it when Greek and Arab mongrels pretend to be Mongols 

Quiet ! Country under control 

hahahahahaahha Serbia croatian colony



muhahahaha )))) Hail Turkey !!!! v+s

Attila the Hun még azt sem tudja, hogy ezt a nevet nem így kell leírni! Eredeti magyar szerint: Atilla a Hun


Ahahahaha helal bize be 

Good job 😉

anyád jól van?
ott a jobb kezed, válaszd azt, ha más kínján akarsz élveződni, azzal legalább nem mérgezed a játék hangulatát.........

@praetorianus74 orama koma burama ko
