Megjelenés helye Turkey - Politikai viták és elemzések - 04 Aug 2016 11:15 - 27

As you know, our opponents were complaining about our strength for a long time and they are using our strategies and principles for propaganda purposes since they could not beat us on the battlefield.
In the last article of our Supreme Commander, we already explained our mentality about NAP offers and attacking a country. We always offer fair peace agreements and we do not ask anything humiliating.
Despite our kindness, our opponents are still whining but lately we had an incident that I would like to share with you, in order to explain a difference between our alliance and the other one.
This is the NAP offer that proposed by Canada to the USA:
1. USA surrenders core regions; Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa and Nebraska.
2. The USA pays for war expenditures, the amount shall be set by Canada government and will exceed no more than 200 gold.
3. No wars shall be allowed between the parties, direct or through RW, in the set period of no less than 30 days after signing.
4. The USA shall guarantee, no member of MDP, essentially Japan, and Portugal, will lead any wars or campaigns against Canada.
5. Breaking any point will lead to a fine of X (set amount), with the amount being set upon signing.
We, of course, rejected this offer. However, a UNITY-aligned member, Canada proved the intention of UNITY.
Kind Regards
Secretary of Public Relations
hoss1965arithKinyasAncestralWarhaftAlien OverlordlmperiusHozzászólások (27)

MDP - NAP Offer of Canada

v, pirinç

When you propose NAP like this its fair now its bad :/
So now we will fight 

I didnt see UNITY hitting for us so you cant say anything about Canada and UNITY , obviously we are there just to help them ...o7 MoFa of Canada 

Nope Canadá x)

The pact is really a no no for Canada

SUA will never accept!


If Portugal conquers those regions, would Canada offer us such benevolent NAP? 

Nope cause from today is new CP 

So... Would that new CP offer an even worst NAP? 


Aeon Flux is here o7

@Aeon FLux They should give u a medal lol

generous NAP

Ancestral with new cp you wont get any NAP cause new cp is for war 

yeah boi

@Vaitape: Oh... Ok

Ah yes, I see...

pfff ahahahhahahhhahahahah always cracks me up
I wanna make it official , as my last act as cp , dot 2 is lowered to a 100g

Wtf Canada XD

Vaitape do you realise that this NAP is offered from canada...not from MDP

Alb that propose ex CP