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Megjelenés helye Croatia - Bulvár és szórakozás - 13 Aug 2016 05:59 - 25

My words stucking on my mouth. but for his good memories im declaring today as a 9 million day.

    Lets make a little tour to know marlock who is...


First we saw him on the dancefloor.

He really loved deadly 

Also he really loved georgians much

His trolling had funny

Do you know his first love was TUKYU(attilla the hun)

Oh nearly i forgot the sultan haydar bas(His favorite sidekick)

After all he got everyones friendship except some of croatians. Nice to know you brother. Farewell..

Bonus : Giga's georgian ... Hairy but sweet.



Hozzászólások (25)

pirinç o7
traitores gonna trait. haters gonna hate p.s sweet ass has your mummy from where you actually are born
All hail to Marlock! True Troll King of eRevollution
Smile))) yes we are 9 million but we won a lot of battle against strong turkey Kiss** with love from Tbilisi
Good Laugh
Neden banlamışlar bu gariban ölem canan Marlock u , bi baştan Türkçe alabilirmiyiz ağam, baştan... ( Why he was banned )(I wrote what I summary )
we helped the turks because croatians dissapeared turkey because croatia was/is very strong country.for turkey we spend everything and for georgia you did nothing you sold us you are traitors
Adios Marlock. We will miss you!
We will sure miss Marlock Sad( gigabye take your dirty mouth out of here, go make your 9 mil for Someone else
so guys i clearly see that turkey do not need georgia now even that brave kurtunio who was almost su*ing us not to stop a war for them againt hungary to save his dirty ass but turkey has grown up enough with his baby boom now. it s like an europian child who grown up and do not need a famiily. you always kick us away from you. demand our land s to have all 100 % bonuces. or you forget it romantik kurt? you are going a wrong way power really blinded you. i have spoken. we will speak more after monthes when your core land s will be fu*ed up by serbian s. and you will be alone as it was in past and do not think that georgia will come once more to save your ass you ungreatful kid. georgia has enough friends and will find more who will respect us as we are and do not ask to be his bitch*s as you want to see us. that s all i do not mind any more with turkey is everything clear you are not my friend any more. see you crying after monthes
Giga come to Hungarian side, we stick to our friends. I mean, once you have earned it.
v c
common turks cry!!! There is no one for trolling you Sad
we permabanned Marlock as a tribute to Turks , now gtfo to Asia Cheeky
Marlock was better than Kinsc Smile) Marlock georgians like you
Hairy but sweet is better than turkey Wink Hail Marlock Hail Georgia , Georgia is loyal country that s difference between us .
Marlock see you in other life Crying
RIP Marlock you will not be missed!
why he has banned