Megjelenés helye Germany - Bulvár és szórakozás - 12 Sep 2016 13:04 - 15
Friends, we have today tested our reward system for the first time in battle Serbia-Romania.
More about reward system you can read here
Today it was applied single reward system
Players who won rewards are

In couple of days we will launch new reward system for players with lower strength 1-1500 strength and another system for players with 1500-3000 strength
It is crucial to be active on skype and discord , for that you can read this article
More about reward system you can read here
Today it was applied single reward system
Players who won rewards are

In couple of days we will launch new reward system for players with lower strength 1-1500 strength and another system for players with 1500-3000 strength
It is crucial to be active on skype and discord , for that you can read this article
Hozzászólások (15)

nice, good work o7

Reward is too small

Nice work o7

Any German with TG less than 4, screenshot of TG level and date, and get these 6. The first to do gets the gold o7

Reward system made by traitors. You never offer rewards for patriotic wars! But you are using it as method of dressing servants of Serbia. This most embarrassing act until now for Germany: giving rewards for fighting for other country! Is this your RL country?

To0ca-I give U 20G-it not fight more

Another Super Hic action, take of those who has less and give it to those who has more (read Alan Ford if you want to meet Super Hic). Secret council prove themselves again with this invention - how to transfer more public gold to the hidden rulers of Germany. More than half are among the winners of the price. I am calling to0sa, ktab, Peaky, Satanas, Dreathgar and Dunci to give back this gold to the country and exclude themselves from further competitions. All of you have more than enough gold to cover your actions, so let others to win some prizes. Another embarrassing action of the CP and Government!

lol secret council XD why would i exclude myself or the others shisui i am here in germany as long as you are and i have helped germany all that time cmon stop critisizing 24/7 and start helping
why would i as a citizen of germany shouldnt compete in competitions?

According to articles of CP and this programs, he already refuse my proposal for helping, so stop talking about start helping when you refuse help. I will help Germany, not the Government, because this Government is not doing what is in the best interest of Germany.
Why to exclude you? All members of Government, CP, commanders and captains, member of the council should be excluded in public programs. You should work FOR Germany, not ask Germany to work for YOU!
Also, you already received a lot of public help. Open the space for other players.

Voted Hard. Fight hard.

Dont Listen Shisui, he is MDP puppet, nobody is excluded, I am thinking about raising rewards because we have a lot of money, OFC enemies of Germany wont get a cent of that. Relax man, its not healthy to make your pressure Up in the morning.

Nobody wants your help shisui, Germany is doing well without you, please return to your mouse hole and wait to be summon by your buddy Kami xD

You wrong Agoria, again. Check the MU FREIE DEUTSCHE JUGEND. There are new members almost every day. Did you ask why this is a fastest growing MU in Germany now? Maybe because players don t like your elite unit, and lose confidence in BC? And I didn t make a party, lol.
Something is wrong in Germany, and more and more players are recognising this. And you become nervous about this. Explain how it is possible that MDP agent install for free Hospital q5 in Dnipro, capital of Ukraine? :-D

lol you are free to have all germany in your mu if you want and they want to come
I dont want ppl i dont know in mine
thats why its an elite unit
cause we are few but i trust every single one o those few
Also we may be few but we can do way more damage than you cause we are ready to burn for germany
And ofc i know you will say its not about damage but we all know damage wins fights

But...I see you are burning for Serbia, not for Germany... LoL
Why you don t go to Serbia, you will get TP medals and rewards, don t use gold and money collected with taxes of Germans in your silly reward program.