Megjelenés helye Venezuela - Kezdeti lépések - 18 Sep 2016 19:11 - 5

This is only an example, but Admins need to rework the map and not be a rip off of the maps of google
Edit: There is something really annoying that has been happening since the beggining of the game (i think) and is the food consumption bug.
Here you can see I have 20 energy to recover:

And I have 4700 Q3 food AND 140 q5, if I do the math to recover those 20 energy i need 3,33 units of q3 food or 2 units of q5 food.
Instead of using the more reasonable 2 units of q5 food, the system uses 4 units of q3 food, resulting in a loss of 0.67 units of q3 food.

I hope you can understand my point. If I have q5 food the system should use that first and if only q3 food is available, should recover only 18 and use 3 units of food and not 3+1 units to recover 18+2, loosing 4 units of energy and practically 1 unit of q3 food.
Thanks for taking the time to read this article and I appreciate if you share in your national and world feed.
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Hozzászólások (5)

We need more regions


Pls revise food consumption formula

To make it more clear I m gonna set an example right here.
I have 250 energy units to recover.
With Q1 Food (2/pu) that s 125 units
With Q2 Food (4/pu) that s 62,5 units
With Q3 Food (6/pu) that s 41,66 units.
With Q4 Food (8/pu) that s 31,25 units
With Q5 Food (10/pu) that s 25 units.
In three qualitys of food we are losing units AND recoverable energy and that happens in all the levels of food energy consumption.