Megjelenés helye France - Kezdeti lépések - 20 Oct 2016 05:30 - 10

Sorry to interrupt your winning strategy with my whining, but this game needs improvements. With all the strong guys banging the weaker and fewer ones, either the game starts to favor the small nations, or you split up eventually. I know you like winning, and i know you've done a lot to win the game, however, we are all missing the challenge this way. You win whatever you do, we lose whatever we do. This is not depending on us anymore. I dont care losing, as a Hungarian i live that life. But i like the itchy feeling, i could win, and then, i could have won if i were better. In this game i can not. So, back to our options, the game wont change any soon to bring challenge to the big countries and bring small victories any closer to the small one, so we must. The first and most important step toward this is when You part Turkey. Not to help us win, not to betray them, but to save the game.
What i see is a bunch of guys who are afraid of the challenge, you are strong but still coward to face any difficulty.
That is what MDP is now.
TyraelRAF904RAF904RAF904RAF904Hozzászólások (10)

First steps in eRevollution - category fits.

Did you make an article when TRS was a monstrous alliance?

voted... because of that i am just hitting to help smaller countries in their defense... or i hit in allready won battles if there is no usefull one...

RAF904 nope.. You hit for MDP and Poland at first German attack on Silesia. Yeah i know.. personal MPP with Poland 

@flopz actually TRS disbanded month after domination

i hitted the last some days for poland, russia and austria... so i think its break even... not to mention that all those battles (as you said on your own your attack on silesia) have been defense battles of core regions or RWs... discusions with you are boring because i can destroy every of your (propaganda?) arguments within minutes... 

* because of that i am just hitting to help* 1) *smaller countries in their defense* (Poland is far from small country this is disrespect for them) 2) *i hit in allready won battles if there is no usefull one*.

1) yes poland is smaller than croatia... it is also smaller than croatia and germany together... in in comparision with countries like serbia, turkey, france or macedonia poland is a smaller country... i doubt that they feel insulted after i leaked those secrets... also i havent said that i am always helping the smallest country in the world... 2) like for example i do sometimes my daily hits in a spain fight... when i hit there is mostly already a gap of 1 billion or something like that so in fact i waste my damage if there is no usefull battle... still any questions?

Actually i am not curious whatever arguments you may have i have already made my mind and you cannot change on what i believe. Do not bother answering me then. Also and finally, at Silesia you did not fight for Poland you fought for Turkey. I got nothing against Poland and Polish cp and many people there are friends. We involved in this war due to enemy alliances. I will have no problem working with them again in the future

Actually i am not curious whatever arguments you may have i have already made my mind and you cannot change on what i believe. thats the best way of staying stupid and learning nothing...