Megjelenés helye Turkey - Bulvár és szórakozás - 26 Oct 2016 16:06 - 48
ATEHTATOPOTAlexander III King of MacedonGezi ParkKinyasNyx UlricEsdeathSilent ScreamlmperiusFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourTRmanEnver PasaAmy RoseBaba VossJose MouroDepegenSantiago 45Oksoko TiginhnzdDoomtouchableDoOmHaMmErCimenBatuGeorge BestHadrielSalih AktaskeykubaTRKizaganYavuzTRS I R I U SErkanakgndzAomineDaikiKon SamaYasoBeyyG 4 M p3trOs V E RtakparBarrocaBarrocaTunga AlphalilkskuzunsamsunBarbarosHozzászólások (48)



Hahahahaha we love this kebab o7

:დ :დ :დ good job turkey

Kebab Stronk o7

yummy o7

Thanks Allies o/


This is God-Tier

Muppets, I prefer roasted turkey with a little onion on the top, gobble-gobble

Gobble gobble remove kebab! 

MDP = Minimum Dignity People 

Cro-Ser. Keeping the game interesting for all of you mdp and NAP bitches

hahahaha cry

eWorld is better without him. Remove Speaky Blinder.

Kebab has never been tastier 

o7 :-D Thanks Allies

ahahaha i like sish kebap 

Turkey calling to jihad? Kill serbs and croats and every peoppe that arent

Thats the best sish kebab combination.

Kebapisback o7


so selfish ... 70% of all work is done by ur puppets... and all trophies goes to

E sad ćete letit iz Njemačke

you can not eat serbia with shield


o7 bu adam bi harika dostum 

Better grab a ham because there might not be any Turkey left by Christmas o/

We didnt fall we will stand and rise over you one more time!

what a tasty combination, nice cooking chef


Bravo Sulejmane bas si ispao mangup sad

good graphic

e...doči če vreme.....

gif missing all puppies behind Turkey 

pirinç kebabı.

Do you know what is the difference between MDP and the rest of the world, because most of the MDP players are mercenaries, they will fight together till the stronger decide to earn more, you will not pay, you will be broken, you will be nothing.
It is simple, one day you will find that the richest will not be able to pay you, then, you will start looking for a new horizon but it will be too late, you will not find real friends, just some one that will pay for your damage.
We are in a game, but even better we are creating a linkage between most of us... so, don t forget that.
With pleasure

turks under the Knife!

instead turkey ball, put planet earth ball, because thats more propertly in your situation.. and bcs, u know whos gonna burn in 1v1 war
v+s o7



next is france?
