Megjelenés helye Russia - Politikai viták és elemzések - 29 Oct 2016 10:31 - 47

Other newspaper articles from Russia
MPP Web - Day 291
Discord of Russia :
GizmawksKant Step In Ze Rap InArthur MorganArthur MorganGigaSCAMorkanorkanorkanorkanvariola veraAzzazel87JauffreyJauffreyJauffreyJauffreyJauffreyJauffreyJauffreyJauffreyJauffreydreeYonai KeikoYonai KeikoYonai KeikoYonai KeikoYonai KeikoYonai KeikoYonai KeikoYonai KeikoYonai KeikoYonai KeikoYonai KeikoYonai KeikoYonai KeikoYonai KeikoYonai KeikoYonai KeikoYonai KeikoYonai KeikoYonai KeikoYonai KeikoKAo NicKKAo NicKKAo NicKKAo NicKJeffTwpLoving Pabl0TheRedActororkanorkanorkanorkanorkanorkanorkanorkanorkanorkanorkanorkanorkanorkanorkanorkanorkanorkanorkanorkanorkanorkanorkanorkanMarcialSaunierEvaFevarEvaFevarNostoDrethGarBlackfuryRAF904RAF904GoDFaTHeRGoDFaTHeRmBISONKerellYonai KeikoYonai KeikoYonai KeikoYonai KeikoYonai KeikoHozzászólások (47)

i ma not in this articel so no vote 

4-2? vs VISA? good score But as I remember it is more than 4


Bilo je bon soir ali nismo dali cmar


great article as always o7

c trop long mec t aurais du le faire en 3 parti :p

Bought a bottle of 100 proof Smirnoff for my father-in-law at the duty free a couple weeks ago. Had I known then, I would have said, Here is a tender and perfectly limpid vodka for you! As always, a well presented article. Keep up the good work collaborating together on it.

Toujours aussi complet
(Bien que avant de lire y avais aucun commentaire ?XD)

perso je veux bien combattre en russie mais faut un mpp avec la france alors ^^


huh nice article but still guys that compain can not been successful even in long terms as we improve time by time but you only see here economic loose. try to find other country which has less enemy s
for your case even Georgia and Iran united and act like one country respecting each other interest. you can not win against us both, even single one as well

Dont say bad words for MDP. Because they want to be in peace with world together. Alliens.


@giga :
And btw we come from a country surrounded by allies (EL Famoso France), we signed for being in deep sh*t most of the time 

Keep it up.

Ca fait vraiment très plaisir de lire un bon journal. Bravo !!!

good job bro o7

and did smth changed jean? if you ask me you are in same situation without hope in future. if you choose right country you might me world power now like germany.

I can t believe someone wrote this very big news paper
. even in Real life(3 languages) vote for that. although I just hope to find a solution about your problem(wiping/backing). as you said georgia was disagree to see you russia in map and almost everyone know why they were disagree since day1 they deleted russia(RL problems) so why you chose russia?(forget vodka, if you stay in hot country no need vodka) 

Good article !

actually harmak from the first day russia was wiped by ukraine and japan and than georgia and lithuania shared it s lands


Actually world revolves around the Balkans :/

Je suis pas sur l article 😦
Bon article

Don t forget, One kill, one shot, Vodka !

i like those articles, i just find a lot of misinformation on some facts in all of them, anyway o/

Why should MDP be dissolved after all succesfull strategies and policies instead of having fun of it

Very disappointed.

Georgia is not in eclipse

@kecalkoatli : You are in MDP yes
But ?


Do you have some weed too?


voted, we need more alliances with better balance of power so we can have three way or four way world wars o7

zizi :o

@Miltiados why Russia? don t u want to arise United Kingdom? or France need that lands and so they haven t chance yes? say what u want in Russia it isn t help of weak country, it is a game so be real even in the game

pro tip. shorter articles my friend, way 2 much reading 

How it feels to be helpless? hahahaha!! Everyone hates Russia!!! We will never negotiate with you!! Dieeee. . .

really good article
good job o7

Great article o7

Thank you for all your votes and comments. 

Very great article, good job guys! v+s+e