Megjelenés helye Turkey - Bulvár és szórakozás - 03 Nov 2016 12:32 - 46

d0ct0rward0mOksoko TiginTopalOsmanAgaYavuzTRMeTaRoRGigaemrex421emrex421emrex421emrex421emrex421emrex421emrex421emrex421emrex421emrex421emrex421emrex421emrex421emrex421emrex421emrex421emrex421emrex421emrex421emrex421GuapobulletGuapobulletGuapobulletdamjankuWyceffGuapobulletHozzászólások (46)


yet your government banned, because it has porn ^^


Don t get me wrong, I think you should probably be in the EU, but there are some things that you still have to change IMO. (like refugee policy, if we re talking serious here)

@DaltonicD +1





Well maybe you are but your ...dictator... doesn t seem so nice

+2 DaltonicD...

How happy is he who says i am a TURK..! M. Kemal ATATÜRK o7

@DaltonicD, well who want to be in EU? If you re gonna talk with Turkish people 90% of them will say no to EU.


Happy is a person who says I am a Turk!
Hail Turkey and Hail Turk Nation!!!


we dont want to be in Eu brats o7


(: refugee policy (:

@G0K your gov 4 or 5 years ago ^^
Other then that, I saw that on you guys purge you also close newspapers... where is the freedom of speech?



Müslümanlığı kötü bir dinmiş gibi göstermen kötü olmuş

@Ernesto Che Guevara müslümanlığı kötü bir dinmiş gibi göstermiyorum. Aksine müslümanlığın kötü gösterilmesine karşıyım ben. Orada her Türkün müslüman olmadığı yazıyor. Bu bir gerçek. Kötü göstermek ya da aşağılamak değil.


your actions say otherwise..

Bizi Müslümanlarla karıştırmayın biz Türküz orta asyadan geldik bitbaks yapacaz deyişindeki gizli özneyi bulunuz o7

Yo I just know göz göz göztepe

@Daltonic thanks god that you are not politician otherewise you would be blamed for the islamiasation of europe. With which brain you will let 77m Muslims in Europe? Turkey,Albania,Serbia,Bosnia should never join EUROPE. The biggest drug dealers in Europe are people from those above named countries. Such a people should never be allowed to EU soil. o8

Not all muslims, but it helps to survive downthere...

Gokturk, I think, many of us want to be in EU.We need their laws and democracy

Not a barbarian, tell it to the Kurde

@el Macedonico The biggest drug dealer are USA (and others politicians), they cultivate drugs in Colombia, Mexico, Afghanistan, Morocco after killing or destabilizing the country for oil, gold,... .And the biggest banks help them to launder the money ( just an exemple). Immigrants sell a little % but medias talk only about them....

Only 10% , other is this who you mark

Yeah, right !!!

@preato tell to Kurde who promise their own country if they fought during First World War against the evil caliphate....Country cutting 4 sovereing countries (Iran, Irak,Syria, Turkey) And in the same time, they promised to Arab always if they fought against the caliphate their independance...
Obviously, France and Great Britain betrayed them. Arab received Israel and colonization and Kurd received Attaturk

steppes , central asia omg i never see France was in East Europe and got desert ...


Still you are kebabs. You aren t different than arabs. You let to be ruled by dictator - what s more you re happy because of that. You re happy when gov kick your ass. It reminds me other shitty country called Russia. Ataturk is crying watching at you.

not barbarians hmmm let s ask an Armenian about it

You are as blind as russians. Your dictators are as two water drops. Ataturk would cry with blood tears if see what Erdogan turn Turkey nowadays

Love ur ppl hate ur goverment..v btw.

get the fuck out of Syria and Iraq if U are right !!