Romy nowhere

Megjelenés helye Turkey - Bulvár és szórakozás - 18 Nov 2016 07:04 - 52

In games, updates are more fun, and for keeping players in game... not only for some  few players... 
Today, a new update for game:
MAX mpp FOR COUNTRIES WILL 6... Not Anymore...

Who is happy for this update? as i see at game chat, only serbians and croatians.. this 2 countries have lation, have power.. but cos of being alone and wrong staregies, they are at "LOSER" side for few months... 

Who is unhappy? All small countries... and also strong countries who are good organised... Did you know that, at small countries, players r collecting golds from themself for signing MPPs
if you admins want only strong countries in game, Just close all small countries...

i'll give you 2 examples... 
1) Few months ago, when i was discuss with an admin about Kosovo's situation, he couldnt reply and answer was: If you want kosovo, declare war and get it..

when he was saying this, you already accept that KOSOVO is country.. i want to show now an SS about game: 

Just Click link, You'll see a country's flag at FLAGS page of game...

as  SS :
2) few days ago, when i was discussing with 2 serbians, i got block for 1 hour.. Respect tthis... but nothing to them... they continued talking....

Stop working only for Serbians.. Work for Better game.... 

King Regards..


KlavierGavinSantiago 45TomiALBTomiALBMeTaRoRkostroThe KingALBANIA ARMYThe KingPanzer AceERLIND1ERLIND1ERLIND1

Hozzászólások (52)

This is Bullshit.
Romy read this book.
Support Serbians get to much attention....
game has kosovo flag lol
Everyone become happy about new update. Stop crying or turkish community will leave game.
Add Kosovo! Support
we need kosova because kosova is kosova Hail kosova Hail Albania and Hail MDK +Hail Deadly Laugh
Add Kosovo
This will certainly kill all smaller countries.... RIP... The main focus should be to listen to the players, not to achieve some personal interests. Focus for game should be to work to keep away corruption and keep an eye on mods that watch our players. This update only seem to have one purpose... To kill ALL small countries? no feels like personal involvement in the game that benefit 1 country.
Save serbia. THey have less then 6 allies in the game, so everyone should have less then 6.
Rip me Sad
romy is racist
Romy Kosovo i Metohija (kosovo polje) is just Serbian province. You can see that in name it self s, history, monasteries and other cultural and historical monuments that albanians are trying to eradicate .. Kosovo or Kosovo Polje pure Serbian word for Blackbird field. You already have Albania and if you dont like it, do as turks have done and leave game.
shitty update ever
hahaha, admins know that it takes at least 6 countries to delete Serbia so they made this update as a favor to Turkey and their 5 puppies LaughLaugh
good luck
add Kosvo
add Kosovo
add Kosova
At the first time Beauregard wrote comment without erevoters link
Fail update. It should be national damage reduction per each mpp signed. 10, 7 and 4% regarding the strength of each country that recieves mpp
add Kosovo
Hail Kosova
add Republic of Kosovo
Cry little rabbit
Butthurt? Kosovo and Metohija zituation is clear, it s Serbian land. In RL in eLife. In UNESCO. Go back to your sh**hole Albania, and make baklava.
why didnt kosovian albanians just leave for albania (their real country) isntead of taking serbian land? that way any nation can claim other countrys land just settle some people there
RL politics here? I think this is not an escape from real life anymore Sad
šmrc šmrc
Romy stop crying at once. I know it s a lot better for you to have 20 MPPs so you can have 50 regions and do whatever you want. But the truth is..countries like Turkey are ruining this game. This update is probably the best thing that happened to this game.
Did you know? Its easy to travel to another region to fight for one side
Stop working only for Serbians.. Work for Better game.... I wonder how long will this game last without SerbiansSmile It is much better for the game that all major buyers are on one side. And when the Serbians start to live who will they (buyers ) fight with? I am sure that is good for the game and owners profit. (sarcasm on ) I will not coment RL nonsense, because it was writers intention to provoke reaction.
Well you had the chance to balance the game after MDP disolved but...
Dear admin, ban yourself! sincerely your secret(definitely not)admirer... #noobadminsdestroythegame
Add a republic of kosovo hail kosovo
Hail Kosovo
Ko je reko baklava
Help Turkish community honor their word and leave the game, and add Kurdistan instead of them.