Megjelenés helye Turkey - Kezdeti lépések - 18 Nov 2016 16:06 - 29

Admin failed attempt to rescue Serbia due to its numerous failures in foreign policy
Sorry Admins but you're just sending your game to the cemetery
The admins need to stop interfering in our affairs, the rise and fall of countries should be dictated by it's on citizens, not by the admins. There are other games that are being created, this game needs a eRevolution or people will leave

This update will hurt many countries, another failed update by the admins
ATEHTATOPOTATEHTATOPOTPalmerKahramanMKKahramanMKKahramanMKKahramanMKsutanuNyx UlricPiromanTantisdesmondmilesRomySantiago 45PierredzoncyHozzászólások (29)

Admins failed attempt to save serbia

well it is better than sending game to cemetery by power hungry players


Admins should not in any circumstances interfere in geo-politics between countries. This points out that this game doesnt have a serious management. o/

Mdp crying they cant gave 40 mpps anymore, crap now the game must be balanced 

Admin heed the words of the OP or Turkish community will leave!

I guess it is crying hour now in US??

Agree, This is so obvious it can be. Players are not stupid... It would kill every small country just to save one country... Still not realized that it is players that pay servercost, your salary and make the game possible and are your biggest asset.
The dev-team should focus to make the game better - not interfere with personal interests because it become too obvious then
For example Norway still got 5 fruit and 1 fish as core regions after 313days, but the main focus is to find ways to get back serbia on map after like 20days...?

only turks will leave or whole mdp? hmmm or did turks already leave? such tough questions

Door are open, leave the game o/

All the time threatening with leaving the game, but they never have the balls to leave the game nor to really play it :/ 70% of the world damage and you got no balls to adapt to the situation? Lame FarmVille 

@ATEHTATOPT read the rules carefully which u agreed when signing up to the game it is their game they can change it at anyway they desire then keep you mouth shut also U always have the option of leaving game we wont miss you and your cries about the name of your country

@ace I m tired of seeing your crying face everywhere do us a favor and leave and play other games I wont miss you at all

@Hooloo thank you, Now stfu and stop dirtying my comment section

@ace I wont leave you crying alone you are making a change or leave movement and it will affect me e life so I will be here as long as I deem necesary

@Hooloo learn some Grammar. Second if you don t have anything to say to support the article then unsubscribe if you are or just stop commenting to all US articles.
Same goes for all other Germans, Serbians and Bolivians

@selvaris !.whho aree yyou to teell me whaat to doo or noot ??? I like to waatch you crying2. whhat wwill do yoou if I dont usse rightt grammmar to I dont stopp commentting yoou wiill cryy moree or yyou wwill leaave thee gaame??

@Selvaris also you are a baby u must grow up first then talk I sent you some food to help you grow up I will teach how to talk in time

they didnt fail in making you cry, didnt they??

US articles nice joke just comment to support is even better joke xD

stfu kiddo

@Hooloo dont worry about me growing up. I know proper grammar. Oh, and I sent the food back to you. Dont need your pity

@Sekvaris you are boring :/

I was cryin when I met you, Now I m tryin to forget you xD

Admin heed the words of the OP or Turkish community will leave at once!

good ehehhe vott o/

i did not see you protesting when administration of the game *saved* you from potential PTO. Double standards?