Feanor news

Megjelenés helye Denmark - Pénzügy és kereskedelem - 29 Nov 2016 06:43 - 36

Hey folks,

Today i wanna show you interesting screens and results. How Romania mocked with MDP v2.0 leaders. Lets take a look.


 -  As you see 3 big MDP countries and their daily taxes. 

 -  Turkey earning 248golds by cc as inreturn. 0.008 currency exchange

 -  France earning 168golds by cc as inreturn. 0.010 currency exchange
Iran earning 123golds by cc as inreturn. 0.007 currency exchange

                                                                             MEANWHILE ROMANIA 


 -  WHİCH MEANS : 274 golds earning by cc as inreturn. 0.005 currency exchange

Secret plan from MDP V.20 below; 



Frank05Giovanno69El ProfesorBattleHeroG 4 M p3trOs V E Rosteanromanhomersimpson

Hozzászólások (36)

Romania collecting bonusses while half of MDP v2 have opened fronts worldwide. Good job BattleHero, you are becoming real empire. o7
BattleHero well done nice job o7
Hiç şaşırmadım.. ben de orada çalışıyorum Smile
xd ve lol yazanlar şu an canları ciğerleri yunanın savaşına do almışlar, çok da şeyapmayın şimdi olur mu olur xdxd
Spavas li mirno Betl Hirou !!?!?!!?
Long live the cheapest working place ingame. Congratz and thanks for that BattleHero Laugh o/
Congrats to Romania for making this possible o/
They are and will be our ally. The more income they have, the more power against our enemies. Our enemy is mutual so it does not matter who earns the money that will be spent against same ones.
when you see this cheap propaganda from turks really makes me doing a poo
Sry Kinyas but make money to fight vs WHO? Soon still will stand Serbia cuz of NAP and Croatia Laugh after that FARMAWILL !!!
its not fair that it takes me nearly 6 days to earn as much as Romania does :/
v31. Bu voteyi bana bıraktığınız için teşekkür ederim
adminvictus knows how to push the right buttons. first sending Urzael to Romania, now this article... trying to create chaos as always...
expected o7
Nice try but no one can better grey wind s %100 bonus germany propaganda hehe Cheeky
v c
16 338 * 0.01 = 107 golds... lol...
@Nyx Ulric, wait for elections Smile
Güzel resim.
hail Roman Empire Laugh
Yazık silinmekten kurtulamayınca akılları sıra ittifaka fitne sokma derdindeler Smile yok yunana do verilmiş yok romanya şöyle yapmışmış Smile telaş yok bar ve kit stoğumu kullanmıycam hiç bi düşmana ne zaman Türkiye-Danimarka savaşı olur o zaman kullanırım Laugh
+1 Magellan Laugh
believe in tyrael, he is just incarnated
Romania will be an empire Smile
he birde arbitraj gelirlerini eklemek lazım, romanyada öyle bir gelir yok ama diğerlerinde bol miktarda var
Turkey made Romania big! congrats! Smile
state is printing money at a rate of 0.005g/CC... means: romania earned nothing (0g)... turkey earned 94g... france earned 82g... iran earned 35g...
RAF, you re talking about selling currency on monetary market with profit, you can t do math like this on taxes which are pure profit, no matter what rate of cc you have.
More power you say... but you can t even fight Czechia himself!