Megjelenés helye Morocco - Hadügyi elemzések - 25 Jan 2017 16:41 - 78

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Morroco is Spain

Morroco is spain

SHUT UP AND ENJOY THE G A ME! ╭∩╮(︶︿︶)╭∩╮ also Morroco is Spain.

I think everyone saw the print-screens of Spain being backstabbers, even though the admins made you take them out. Morocco +1

It s not venezuela, it s andean federation.

Morocco next VV member. Ancestral 26/01/2017

Vamos a ver, primeramente si quereis un pacto enviadno chocolate (hachis) y si no pues idos a la venta del nabo. A LLORAR AL VALLE. EN LO ALTO DEL ATLAS EL TORO DE OSBORNE.

Arrggg the spanish president lied!
I know

نحن لا تعطي شيئا لأحد !! يعيش المغرب !! ο7

Do you remember Alhucemas Landing?

I will be your friend if you regard us morocco schocolate

The Alhambra is Spanish, niggis!

If we can know witch SS you used in past article so in future myb we wont use that kind of SS?
And about article my comment is: DRAMA...

u r not alone morrocco

Porrada nos Mouros!!!!!!!!!!!!

By the way, Morroco is Spain musaka eaters

نحن لا تعطي شيئا لأحد !! يعيش المغرب !! ο7

LuCiFeR, fuck Sparta, fuck Leonidas and Fuck morocco.
LuCiFeR, do you like the morocco chocolate?

Spain is the only country that have been member of 2 alliances in the same time. How can u trust them 

LuCiFeR, fuck Sparta, fuck Leonidas and Fuck morocco.
LuCiFeR, do you like the morocco chocolate?

We do good diplomacy @Imperius 

are you from Morocco?

This is more fun than kosovo thing 


Is a Joke, I love you LuCiFeR

Remember Catolics Kings

All the people who know galaico have realized he is a big traitor.

Spain is Morocco. Admin please change Spain to Morocco!

Remember Catolics Kings

too bad the screenshots could not be included - Spain should find some leaders with better negotiating skills

youmu +1


Hail Spain
Hail Morocco

I just see fake propaganda made after a rage. Btw your offer to venezuela was really funny pay me and we wont attack you. Are you a mafia?

@Cajus we are Moroccan mafie 💣😎🇲🇦

Cajus only ur govs words are fake.We asked gold from Venezuela in order to stop a war that they started.


Stop crying please

Obviously Morocco is an empty country, have not entered the country RL Moroccan players.From the first day Spain took the decision to occupy 4 regions of the new country to complete some bonds to 80%.We warned Greek players that they moved to Morocco. We had a leading role in helping Greece to recover their regions as the articles say thank you.The alliance asked for dialogue and we tried, but they only agreed to speak when we declared DoW.Their initial demands were ridiculous, it is a great business to go to an empty country and rent regions!. For them the bonuses are not important are 5 or 6 players of high level and secondary accounts, produce outside of Morocco every day. For us those bonuses mean an improvement in our economy because we if we have new RL players to care for.All the countries have made moves to improve their bonuses after the update, we have had to wait until it could attack Morocco.During the talks I told my colleagues that it would be impossible to understand each month with Lucifer for the rent, that to pay a rent would be to recognize that Morocco is his, and that if it was signed I would leave the country, because after a year of work Spain Deserves better. Because Lucifer believes and goes saying that the Admin put that country just for him, just so he can play to be the boss. I want to ask the allies to understand that this campaign is not a selfish movement on the part of Spain, it is a necessity for us. We are responsible and regret this waste of damage, but we can not yield to the egoisms of a player.

Love is in the air.

+1 Jaime7854

Jaime so why did ur gov signed the deal?

Paellaniggers = socarrat? Love that part bro.

Damn greeks, pay debts

Galaico is our caudillo, deal with it

Μπλέξατε με αποικιοκράτες

Move to Swiss - safe haven from all invaders 

Their money, their game, their rules.. Don t forget that this is also your moto..

Morroco is spain

Galaiko English boy 

Spain won the battle so no point to fake information, and throw away lies like this one, just try to fight better next time, or leave the country.

@ChrisGeoRM I am sure that in Morocco the decisions are taken by one or two people, but not in Spain, that the negotiators accept a conditions does not mean that the citizens then accept them.

@inkisitorman where u was on this fight?Ohh i forget that multies dont fight...
@Jaime i can understand this,but thats ur gov fault,as they should have discuss the deal with their ppl,and then accept the deal.Ur gov represent u,so they should have the final deicision.!

Why to Negotiate with weaker enemies.. just erase them from the map, just like Macedonia did.

i read Spanish ppl Tlking about debts hahahahahhahaah thata quite funny .... Galacio betrayed a dead that was signed 3 hrrs before ,,,,and u still go and support him is wrong ppl in real life politicians

Mococo :/

Veggelis,also Galaico lied to his own ppl in order to make the deal.

well thats their problem ! I dont care

Spain is Morocco.

Absolutly haram

+1 jaime7854

Vendo mantecados de estepa. Quiza con tanto llorar os de hambre. Animo

Fyromani @(f)pyroman use jr official name, FYRoM.

@CrisGeoRM dont lie like that, just trying to make Spain look evil, you lost a region not a whole country (again) xD

Ey mate, chic para ti chic para mi and Jroña que Jroña Kisses from Spain
SHUT UP AND ENJOY THE G A ME! ╭∩╮(︶︿︶)╭∩╮ also Morroco is Spain.

@inkisitorman if conversation s with your goverment ( that we have proof about) is lieing then what is truth ?

εχετε πολύ ελευθερο χρόνο

Love to Moroco ♥

i dont know what to say...

para el que no lo sepa grecia queria humillar a venezuela con sus pactos y no nos dio la gana aceptar

Anyone from Morocco IRL? x)

A mere misunderstanding.

shame on you, espana

What happened to Beginners Protection of Morocco?

Me matan las buenas relaciones que se arman, encima con un vecino, despues nos quejamos porque VV tiene el 70% del daño global, y es porque el resto se tiran piedras al santo botón

zaboli me ona stvar