Megjelenés helye Iran - Hadügyi elemzések - 04 Feb 2017 17:53 - 31

Greetings citizens of eWorld,
In last few days you were witnesses of Green Berets shooting in all battles in USA helping our friends to liberate their regions. So today i will write you about our relationship.

Everything started with this:

This was my first contact with USA :D Old players remember, after this Japan attacked USA. In that war we saw greatness of legendary CP of USA Abraham Lincoln and that war was finished with NAP.After few months as part of TRS operations against EAGLE alliance, Japan and Eastern Legions ( part of TRS who was made of countries from Asia and North America ) attacked once more USA in order for Japan to reach France and attack them with Serbia.That war was also finished with NAP.After that many things happened, MDP was created and Japan and USA became allies.As one of founders of MDP and later Supreme Commander of MDP alliance i was lucky to have Abraham by my side and i was amazed how he organized USA and helped us in MDP.Later through alliance i got to know more USA citizens who always showed only respect to ally and worked hard in accomplishing their daily tasks,Tancred,SpitfireYG and others always were first to grab job and always did it perfectly.

Today,Rogal Dorn,Ferrus Manus,Lemmz,Burjak,CPPC,Panda Killer and me who were part of Japanese Government and military unit Amaterasu created MU Green Berets with base in Iran. Green Berets are not part of any alliance and we have our own " MPP-s " and wars. Tnx to Tancred and spitfireYG who always respected us and stayed in contact with Rogal Dorn and me USA was put on our friendly list. Then day come when our dear friends got attacked by BiH and Serbia and they come in our HQ seeking help against aggressors and we responded immediately preparing our squads to join battle.

On 14th of January 2017 first squad from Green Berets arrived in USA, in next few days we send 4 more squads + plus squad who stayed in Iran to help in securing Iranian regions but they helped in USA battles as well.

- In first battle we engaged BiH forces and unfortunately USA lost that battle, Green Berets did 2.6 billion dmg for USA:
- In second battle we engaged BiH forces once again but USA won that battle, Green Berets did 2.9 billion dmg for USA:
- In third battle we engaged BiH forces again but this time in cooperation with Taiwan forces we won that battle, Green Berets did 1 billion dmg for Taiwan:
- In forth battle we engaged mighty Serbian forces and USA won that battle, Green Berets did 3.4 billion dmg for USA:
- In fifth battle we engaged Serbian forces once again and USA won that battle, Green Berets did 2.2 billion dmg for USA:
- In sixth battle we engaged Serbian forces again and USA won that battle :D, Green Berets did 3.1 billion dmg for USA:
- In seventh battle we engaged Serbia again ( BiH was already removed from USA regions ) and USA won that battle, Green Berets did 1 billion dmg for USA:
- In eight battle we engaged Serbia in RW and USA won that battle, Green Berets did 799 million dmg:
- In ninth battle ( and last because Serbia was thrown out of USA regions ) USA won battle, Green Berets did 785 million dmg for USA:

So to summarize, Green Berets contributed a lot to the defense of USA as true friends should do, so i will use this occasion to warn all those who dare to attack our comrades that they will face Green Berets in full power because we dont care will we fight in TP,TA or RW battle when we need to help our friends.
Also I want to inform government and citizens of USA that Green Berets squads will retreat from USA regions as soon as possible and return to Iran base.You was good hosts and we felt like at home but I hope that we wont have to come again to fight :D.

Vucicu PederuVucicu PederuVucicu PederuAjkeNddddPanzer AcenakituminayashiCao bok zdravoDoomtouchablesorkhpostHozzászólások (31)

【Green Berets】From enemy to brothers :


Janicari o7

vi ste carevi

Hahahahaha i still remember that msg xD

Dosli, videli, pobedili o/


O7. respect

And when Sharpy posted that PM in PDB, I was like, Wut? We are not selling our regions. Thanks for helping USA, GB.

Pravoslavlje o/

Powerslavlje o/

viva green berets.o7

【Green Berets】From friends to Okama


Pravoslavlje o7

shiro you always survive because you always hide in strong allainces previously trs was the strongest and you where with them wiping us now mdp is stronger and from japan you run in our alliance wiping them
can not wait when opposite side will unite and defeat us for you to how everyone your true face and run from us to them
good luck ally o7

Giga bre Moravac how is it hiding when you CREATE something? We were the creators of Both TRS and MDP. Its not our fault we are so much better at making and organizing alliances. Japan was whole other story, you have no idea what happened there so dont comment.

i confirm what this Dorn-kama is true and correct. ☝👍 Gigabre moravac and georgians wants a war with Iranians and GB noobs

Anti-Eagle Coalition,The Rising Sun,MDP in all that great alliances i was founder,organizer and Supreme Commander and we achieved great things,its not my fault that some leaders was stupid and blind to see in future and they ruined their countries with stupid moves. Shiro has spoken.

Eddie-Senpai is here. Eddie has spoken. o7

Izgovori bajo moj



Thank you, Green Berets.


Thank you all for the support you ve showed to USA since our old days of the game, I will make sure if it comes to need, we will do our part to retribute the help as good friends should do!