Megjelenés helye Greece - Hadügyi elemzések - 08 Feb 2017 03:10 - 75
Today i would like to mention about who we are and what we are going/trying to do. Also i have something to tell.
Once i was player of Turkey, we got wipe and we were fighting hard against our enemies. Those days were hard to build some organization because we were lack of hope. Than i was hitting hard to make things better at least for Turkey. People choose me because my efforts in fronts and also because i was gold buyer. Had a power to change things. After i became CP, i had one thing i trust. It was an idea and it is; "WE HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE". With this unlimited power i started to work on my plans and made a lot of things. Turkey defeated enemies together and become relax. With a perfect allies we created MDP. I was the winner as the name of myself but we did this all together. Peoples in turkey made a babyboom, peoples in turkey did whatever they can. If you could ask anyone, you would see the screen "0 gold". And then we won 29 battle of total 30 battles. We deleted ukraine, we started to invasion to hungary and then we take a seat at europe now still turkey there. We hit our enemies with a wave type attack to be unexpected. We spend our times to the game more than the others. WE TRUST US!!!
The organization named "Free world" choose me as their leader. Im glad to see people who wants to be in organization and willing to cooperate. Today we are in the same condition like i had once before. "WE HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE".
We need to put our hands to the table, we need to work together. We must work as "ONE". Friends, the erevollution will meet with a persons who have nothing to lose.
We dont have fancy articles(carapicho :( ), we dont have any intention to make propaganda. We dont care their wishes and desire. We need to fight with them to put them in a stress to be sure they will not be able to sound like housefly.
From this day, im calling you to be with "Free world". Not only with your firepowers. With your clever minds, friendship and laughs.
Vae victus will learn that they have to feel fear because we have nothing to lose!!!
Kind regards,
Supreme commander of no ones but a friend of Free world.
Today i would like to mention about who we are and what we are going/trying to do. Also i have something to tell.
Once i was player of Turkey, we got wipe and we were fighting hard against our enemies. Those days were hard to build some organization because we were lack of hope. Than i was hitting hard to make things better at least for Turkey. People choose me because my efforts in fronts and also because i was gold buyer. Had a power to change things. After i became CP, i had one thing i trust. It was an idea and it is; "WE HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE". With this unlimited power i started to work on my plans and made a lot of things. Turkey defeated enemies together and become relax. With a perfect allies we created MDP. I was the winner as the name of myself but we did this all together. Peoples in turkey made a babyboom, peoples in turkey did whatever they can. If you could ask anyone, you would see the screen "0 gold". And then we won 29 battle of total 30 battles. We deleted ukraine, we started to invasion to hungary and then we take a seat at europe now still turkey there. We hit our enemies with a wave type attack to be unexpected. We spend our times to the game more than the others. WE TRUST US!!!
The organization named "Free world" choose me as their leader. Im glad to see people who wants to be in organization and willing to cooperate. Today we are in the same condition like i had once before. "WE HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE".
We need to put our hands to the table, we need to work together. We must work as "ONE". Friends, the erevollution will meet with a persons who have nothing to lose.
We dont have fancy articles(carapicho :( ), we dont have any intention to make propaganda. We dont care their wishes and desire. We need to fight with them to put them in a stress to be sure they will not be able to sound like housefly.
From this day, im calling you to be with "Free world". Not only with your firepowers. With your clever minds, friendship and laughs.
Vae victus will learn that they have to feel fear because we have nothing to lose!!!
Kind regards,
Supreme commander of no ones but a friend of Free world.
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Pirinç. V



Hardly voted..

v c



Hail Free World o7


good luck 



Hail VV



Yarısını gözlerim dolu, diğer yarısını gülerek okudum. Sen halledersin koca reiz 

【THE EXILED ONE】Address #1 😓 😓 is it because of my avatar ?😟

Bring it mates. Lets make this game more fun

cCc World is TURK cCc

cCc Where is TURK cCc


The One has bad grammar

I am quite positive, even you don t believe in your speech, Kinsc. Free world is there where players can play the game as a free people, not under the previous prepared scenarios made by the owners. This is what I believe. Beside this, there is something what you can LOSE, and it is your MONEY. But this is your call, be my guest and spend your money as much as you can (you will make your friends, Admins, happy, as long as you continue to pay). According to my understanding, you are just average player, or slightly below average, with an enormous ego, so you are using your VISA to get some leverage in the game. Every player in the game is free to choose the side, and I decided not to be with you, because I don t like to follow those which are acting like a spoiled kid. Not so long ago, I got your invitation on Discord to join you in your crusade when you was representative of Denmark. Nothing changes. I wish you good luck, but you continue with the old habits and old mistakes.

good speech

I was waiting your comment Levi, as always palamudiš mnogo bre nothing interest, go to your private funder kami neko

what do you exactly mean by saying free world? all countries? then sorry but vv do not recognize you as supreme commander....or maybe you mean countries beside vv??? well sorry again but only few of none-vv countries nominated you as their supreme commander .... so pls, stop calling yourself SC of free world, its a nonsense tbh....becouse some countries are against vv you cant be called free world!!!!

o7 fist against them :p


Allah yardımcın olsun bunlar seni kanser edecek boşuna uğraşıyorsun bunlardan bir cacık olmaz o7

WW is coming ^_^ kinyas knows that and when you stand together already hungary and croatia have nap... so you never can do something if you stand together now
Hail VV
But we need real World War

Jbt jel ima dupeta iz kojeg ovaj levi nije virio majke ti..



I admire those who are trying to defendinterest of Admins. Attempt to justify their mistakes is a mission impossible. Those who are trying to oppose me in the comments, please stop helping me. Posting personal insults instead of arguments is not doing anything good for you. Don t worry, I will not use tickets against you, I respect the Freedom of speech and I will not report anyone. Next time, try to show some stile.


I only hope that there are people to stand by you the way the initial group of MDP did back then. I am so sorry that my limited time does not allow me to deal with this concept more. This message is mostly for everyone else. Unless kinsc got proper help nothing will be done. He is not deus ex machina and cannot make everything work by his own. Good luck bro o7

I am sad your so-called leader is unable to write properly...



*he is cool because he knows the real name of admin*

1- phase the fall of VV 2-phase we dont have nothing to loose 3-phase we got raped xd 

Hail Free World


loll trying to find cure or pill for admin phobia and visa phobia but the only result i get on internet is : error no match on this planet

That s admirable.

Well, i guess he means with we have nothing to lose that anybody could do much against an alliance that has most of the top countries. VV is just have the same overpower TRS have in their time.

you have helis to lose them
and lk too


loving the drama in this game sub por sub, mp me

Congratulations !!!

Šaban Bajramović ,,I got nothing to lose,,

cCc World is TURK cCc

o7 , We fight and you fight , it will be exciting.
