Megjelenés helye United States of America - Kezdeti lépések - 10 Feb 2017 21:03 - 10

Hello New World.

You might be wondering who I am and why I look so good. Well, while I won't tell you my secrets to my good looks, I will tell you that I am Dr. Kawishiwi. Most people just call me Dr. K though to simplify things. I arrived just yesterday in this strange but familiar place. I had previous played eRepublik so I was vaguely familiar with how this shindig works. Hemingway asked me to write this article to both introduce myself and to talk about the benefits of becoming involved in the community. So like most newbs, I obviously had more than a few questions.

As the flood of questions came coming in, I figured I needed to be able to talk to someone in real time to figure some stuff out. It was then, like a divine sign from God, I was presented with the link to the United States chat room. Discord is this totally awesome site where you can talk to people who also play the game. Thats cool right! After arriving just 30 minutes ago, I started to talk to some weird guy named Bamapana and he helped me understand the game better. Shortly after that, I left to go to a very very important meeting. When I got back, I got on and struck up a conversation with Hemingway. He suggested I try to get involved. I cannot stress enough to you to try Discord out. It is great for getting involved in the community and becoming connected with your fellow citizens. It is good for becoming more active and forging friendships. It is great for sharing pictures of your semi-cute puppy. Whether or not you have a lot of time on your hands, I would encourage everyone to try it. Its super simple and is definitely worth it because you might see me, Beyonce, or even other famous celebrities.
*must pay separate shipping and handling*

Apparently, there’s this really cool military unit people should join called the United States Army. Now the really cool thing about it is that it gives you an objective for the day and a certain battle. If you complete it you get absolutely free stuff! You heard that right! FREE!!! Included is 1 rpg and 1 energy drink which can be used in future battles. Now, on top of all that, new players can be mentored in their new training division and older players can hang out in a cool community while fighting for the country that they love. For all interested youngins, I was told you could sign up on this link and someone would contact you. And if you are new, you can fight even though you don’t have a weapon, which would save you money. Feel free to message me if you have any questions about me or the game and I should be able to point you in the right direction.

And now we have come to the part of the article where we talk about me and my great hair. I started playing this game for the community aspect of it. So, because of that, I will start looking for ways to become more involved in the community whether it lead me into politics, journalism, or crochet. I will also be aiming to challenge the community to an online game with the winner receiving a small prize with the aim getting people more involved and competing against each other. Please feel free to send me a friend request, message me a question or a picture of a kitten, your choice.

Best Regards until Next Time,
Dr Kawishiwi

And a picture for all the guys out there.


LeD ZePPeLiNEddieAnakituminayashinakituminayashinakituminayashiPalmerTricky DickFallenAngelThomas Killahvooz

Hozzászólások (10)

Welcome Doctor. :
Nice article! Welcome aboard.
You got it.
Welcome Dr. K Smile
weird guy named Bamapana :p
Granny you re great. Lemme tell you, let me tell you.
Welcome Dr. K! Great Article o7
Welcome Dr. K