Megjelenés helye Russia - Hadügyi elemzések - 17 Feb 2017 17:53 - 38

OrignalQcAzzazel87HappyMohan GhaleG 4 M p3trOs V E RJauffreyJean Marie Le SwagDiamond LadypepetPolarB34rHozzászólások (38)


Bonne idée o/

Technical Specialist Yonai Keiko reporting to the Russian Marines Regiment! o7


Interesting, voted. o7

when you read this article with russian accent...even if you are not rusky


o7 ! Hail Russian army!


V + E ! Quelles sont les polices que tu as utilisées, s il te plaît ?


2 questions: FIRST Когда будет порусски перевод в газете? Ты сказал что у вас много русских солдатов, думаю что это не будет трудно теперь. SECOND Public money is reserved only for this MU, or maybe there is a possibility for other Russian MU to use them as well. PS Regiment conception is good concept, although unfinished. I think that having a few MU more is better idea, instead of using regiment concept of the same MU, because of updating DO. PS2 Ceterum censeo Russia esse delendam.


o7 Spetsnaz!

Nice idea....

@Levi There is no other MU in Russia. Only Spetsnaz 

o7 Hail Russia !!!


Hail Russia! Слава России!

Vodkaa !


@Levi we are still looking for russian translator, we had one but he moved on another country.


Ohhhh, I see... So many Russian soldiers (players from RL Russia) and nobody able to translate text written on English. So sad :-( Ofc, there is no other MU. Ein Volk, ein MU, ein Reich, ein Führer... Don t worry, I will not compare with RL Russia :-D

Thank you for your fidelity Levi, you comment all my articles 

hail russia o7

Soooo, does that make me the Fuhrer? I don t know if I quite fit the mold, there.

Don t worry Yonai, you are not the Führer. It was a metaphore, maybe someone can explain you who the Führer is... Ofc, I am commenting your articles, Miltiados, and I will continue to do this as long as you stay in Russia. When you abandon this country, I will lose interest for your articles ;-)



o7 proud serving Russia and Spetsnaz.

@Miltiados: Well, we can t let that happen! We must continue the Russian project, if only to keep Levi entertained!

You have my gratitude, Yonai Keiko. What is the game without favourite target? Especially now, when I come back to Ukraine ;-) Once again Arigato Gozaimasu

Thank you all for your comments. ♥