Megjelenés helye Turkey - Bulvár és szórakozás - 22 Feb 2017 12:24 - 12

eVokasieVokasiKinyasKincuardOruzmekJ o k e rSultan Haydar BasMason itachiMason itachiMason itachiMason itachiMason itachiMason itachiMason itachiMason itachiMason itachiMason itachiMason itachiMason itachiMason itachiMason itachiMason itachiarjanTopalOsmanAgaSantiago 45Santiago 45Joker EvilPortuguese soldierhaftvudsitaresitarehidoHozzászólások (12)

first pirinç birinç

Loca pirinci o7

I could not even endorse in the fisrt place lol


And This =

Good job admins. I had no connection problems. I really don´t know why every single other player of this game is complaining.

same here.. 

Then you have to buy new internet, cz for most of the players is working fine. I never got that...

@cakiMK, My Internet is already fast enough. Do you really think the problem is with the players?