Megjelenés helye Switzerland - Kezdeti lépések - 26 Feb 2017 00:15 - 35
Hello people,
Here are the prizes of the new event.
As you see there are 6 levels
Level 1: 20 XP. ( 50 hits / 50 hits to go next lvl)
Level 2: 50 Q3 WS. ( 100 hits / 50 hits to go next lvl)
Level 3: 5 employees.( 150 hits / 50 hits to go next lvl)
Level 4: 50 Q5 Warships.( 200 hits / 50 hits to go next lvl)
Level 5: 2 LK's Q3. ( 250 hits / 50 hits to go next lvl)
Level 6: 15 employees. ( 300 hits / 50 hits to go next lvl)
Note: the event is counted in hits!

GoDFaTHeRKame SenninJauffreyTopSecretfaganerosUltramagicAhileusNima1260Portuguese soldierarkopadBelegurmohamed oussemaMilesPanzer AceJoker EvilJoker EvilHozzászólások (35)


Note: the event is counted in hits! *thanks captain obvious* 

thanks m8

thanks very good article like everytime !

thank you

Is it daily?

are you sailor?

Good o7


V + S o69

Thanks for the article, but priezes is not worth for 300 hits...

Pretos! o7

Admins gone mad? 😯
What a hell can we do with all those employees?
(5+15)×7=140 not to mention the previous events where I alredy collected over 100 places (they are still unfilled of course) 

lame, its better to farm TP

no intellingence? 15 workers shitty challenge

20 employees is INSANE


voted, its a nice event. employees= money/gold/helis/ships 

at least admins realized we have a new module to be involved in events...

Best event ever. Finally I will have enough employees!