Megjelenés helye Russia - Politikai viták és elemzések - 27 Feb 2017 18:04 - 14

To the People of Russia,
Today, it was my honor to put an end to our short but glorious campaign against the combined forces of Peru, Canada and the United States. We started this war as a service to an alliance that had grand plans to change the world. We took on this impossible task to do our part for the great good and show the world what it means to be a Russian. Sadly, this grand plan never came to fruition and Russia was left alone and outnumbered to fight a war on three fronts.
But this would not deter the soldiers of Russia, no. Instead, you rose up and fought like the true warriors that we have always known you to be. Over the course of one weekend, Russia went undefeated for seven consecutive battles, fighting up to four battles at a time against powerful and worthy opponents. It was a demonstration to the world that though we are small in numbers and resources, we are incomparable in heart and unity.
No matter how hard we fought, however, we were never intended to ride this campaign to endless victory. It was always meant to be a small part of a grander plan and, lacking that important support, the government of Russia pursued peace. Our opponents, in recognition of our efforts and in respect for the campaign we fought, agreed to a white peace. A return to pre-war boundaries and a mutual deference. Nothing was given up, no terms were imposed, no dishonor was done. We earned a peace of mutual respect and agreement.
Today, we rest and share a drink altogether. Tomorrow, we rebuild and laugh at the glorious tales of this weekend. And for the future? As we have always done, Russia will continue to forge its own des.
You can also read the article of our commander : Click here
Hail Russia! Hail Spetsnaz! Hail Vodka!
Your President,
Yonai Keiko

Below are the terms of agreement signed with Vae Victis.
1- Russia will return to situation before war. Therefore, Russia will leave Mayo, South West of England, West Midlands and lose all current battles versus Vae Victis.
2- Russia cannot declare war on Vae Victis and likewise. Except If there is an agreed situation like Training War.
3- The agreement will be valid until 6th of April.
Publish by Vae Victis also : Click here
Signed by Supreme Commander of Vae Victis, President of Russia, President of Canada, President of USA, and President of Peru. (Signatures in the comments)
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