Megjelenés helye United States of America - Kezdeti lépések - 04 Mar 2017 04:48 - 63
Please mods, can you make a good event for help new players?
is it too much demand?
Porfavor moderadores
pueden hacer un nuevo evento para ayudar a los nuevos jugadores
o es mucho pedir?
#si fuiste nuevo en el juego, apoya este pedido.
Eworld market article
Slade WilsonYamamotoG 4 M p3trOs V E RPortuguese soldierPRM_shadowSultan Haydar BasSultan Haydar BasSultan Haydar Basludimax17SahkbamYamamotogiovinco10forgottenhomersimpsonHenrique DiasHozzászólások (63)

evet aynen öyle V


Anlıyorum tabi öyledir yani.


Instead of arguing and complaining you should invent better event. o7


i m just showing a reality. This event it s hard for news and admins should make friendly event s for us. have a good day, good luck selling all your warships.

Many have problems but to be honest final prize is totaly worth it.

news hasn t profitable companies for use them. and the number of hits required it s to hard for news. i dont care what the event need: helis, tanks or ships. but please, make an event we can do too.


By *news* you mean newbies or beginners. Better correct that cause the word news means something else

thanks for the advice. i ll change for let it cleare.

agree with eevil king. but still you can buy houses and mission are possibly

You can use ships q5 house q5 and food q5 - but u still needing Int and new players hasn t too much, right? - and how to get the items if you are just starting.

Agreed. I actually sent a message to the Admin account and their response was the amount required is lower. Not to mention each time I train, the amount needed grows just a little bit.

Also what we need as reward are Items who increase your DMG, STRNG or INT.


i think we need new missions as well

Like other game, the option to buy (with gold) the possibility to have more str and int with every train session. Only to players without the max str or int

You don t need intelligence for Naval Adventure, nor q5 ships. You need to do only hits. So you need only houses and food. You can use the 2q3 life kits from the reward so you can complete it easier the next day.

The next day and finally win 15 free workers and them u make a party with them because u hasn t high profitables companies for use them. We need BOMBS, STR AND INT PACKS.


Cmon stop misleading people with that article ...20 workers per day is huge for beginner 😂 If you do not know how to use them well... just ask older players ... and I agree with everything Keon wrote... This event is a challenge to make but that is actualy interesting.

You can stop me but never stop the revolution. The only thing news can do with those workers if save til they get Q5 companie. Dont be so selfish please u were neewbie too.

I do not have q5 nor q4 company and I am making profit 😂😂. Stop talking about revolution because it is not.

It s ok. Keep using workers for raw materials them. But let new players get some help in a better event.

What new players? There are no new players. Just new multis.

I m me new multi ? Pls there is lots of new players needing a good event.

Is it too much demand?


Totally disagreed.
Events have it purpose, we already have the normal one that gives str and all. If they gave more str it would only increase str diference because new player, not always are online everyday.
And 300 hits a day is not that much, it s equal to 3000E, of you use one house q3 u d wake up with 650E+650E=1300. You can easily refill 2 times a day and make 2600 hits. U just have to use 1 lofe kit or 4 ebs
You have to spend to get.
You can use workers on raw companies or food for you. 9f you don t see profit in it, just keep it for yourself as they don t expire, one day you will have worthwhile companies to use employees

Now stop jajajaing cause we know that you are mexican

Tips for event; use your mastercard

With only house Q5, you win 313hit/day....
-3 hits for training, -2 for work, you have un finaly 308 hits.. You can do the évent, ans work in 8 enterprise (and more with LK)

I m complete the Progress Damage and all Naval Adventures with 0 Euro

Fyore, here do you do the mats?? With the Q5 house you will gather 12 hits per hour..
12x24=288 hits this is your total hits per day...

i haven t win 15 workers so far.. am i newbies? so please dont cry..

do not strees admin this time!
Is the best event done in this game!!!!!!!!!


it s not only the difficult of the event, if the last reward is something that you ll have too save/stock till it get more usefull. example u preffert won 1000usd per 12 months:12 mil ? or 800 per month and receive a bonus in december of 800usdx3months: 12mil. newbies doesn t need something that ll use in 3-4 months they newbies need something who help him NOW, fast, inmediatly.


@pageros : with the hospital 



jurebaao what do you mean, brazilian bastard?

@Shiro, un brasileño que se cree aleman o nordico será. Ignoralo.

Muy cierto! Votado
Ojalá tomen en cuenta la sugerencia

@Fyore... Not everyone have the hospital 

v160 s51

@pageros : everyone can be in a région where is an hospital 

Mi sonido es conocido por toda la gente, el crack, la pipa más crujiente. ¿porque? Porque soy la más crujiente.
Eeh que somos 3!! Un, dos, tres cuéntalo!!!
Que pasa ? Que parece calabaza (que grande :0)
Mira esa pipah ta suabeh ta suabeh

JAJAJAJA tu nick, pasa la pipa no mas

It s an hard event for sure, but the price is so valuable that you can afford to pay 1 HouseQ5 and then use the LK earned in the event to complete it easely

preato really? you think a guy/girl who start in this week know it or have the money? this article is for them.
the event is good, but could be more begginer friendly- Next events should do 

If this event isnt fair to you, concetrate your efforts in weekly challenge, which give some stuffs you request to a quickly evolution. Its your third week here If you arent multie, so u gonna see a lot of events that can make you happier =P

In the Future*

If you have started from 1 week you can also not complete it but maybe 2/3 of it and it isn t a problem,if you have started more than 2 weeks early you can complete it

emany, you dont need ships for this event, just to fight in naval battle, so yea its newbie friendly event 

I already made weekly and naval event, thabnks for the advices. But this request it s not for me it s for newbies, thar are learning to play the game and for them this event wasnt roo fair. Stop i made 4m this week so... but we must think about other people necesitys. So try please.

@shirogane, i knew he was from latin america, like peru, venezuela or something. altough i have nothing against mexicans, they are offended when we call them mexican or boludo. i had forgotten the word boludo when i wrote.
as you can see, he has a slight deficit in his mental cognitions. proof is in the comments, where A LOT of people tried explaining why event was easy and he continues to whine about it for us to pity the poor fella and help him with itens.
crying baby boludo. kkkkkkk

@jurebaao If you have low self-esteem try medical help. Insulting people will not help you. In fact you leave all your brazilian compatriots with shame becase you are so disrespectful. Have a good day.

am i doing that? =OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO