Megjelenés helye Serbia - Bulvár és szórakozás - 12 Feb 2016 01:53 - 19
Hello, I would like to present you my artwork gallery for eRevollution. For now I make single avatars, avatars for MU, banners, divaders and other graphic for newspaper. I am professional designer with more then 7 years of expirience.
Here are some stuff I made for erevollution

If you want to work with me, you can PM me or find me on irc channel : #reikangfx
For shout:
Graphic design
Order now
Here are some stuff I made for erevollution

If you want to work with me, you can PM me or find me on irc channel : #reikangfx
For shout:
Graphic design
Order now
PattonLordFelineHozzászólások (19)

Very nice designs... I would love to become graphic designer myself but I am not that talented 

wow damnnn thats some top notch work over there


voted Nice job bro

v24 s330
I want to know prices
Pm me with them! Thanks.

voted nice

prvi ! daj tenkove

Im a graphic designer myself and I just love when people say that they are proffesionals, especially with such long experience, and then you see their work and are like - where is the 7 years of experience? Besides, most of the avatar frames are already been around for few years...so if by - for erevollution - you mean using renders on already made frame....wow, just wow...hahaha

@Mr_B: From your words looks like you are really great graphic designer, your artworks are brilliant. I would like to be so good as you but looks like I am too far from it o/



is there a rule that graphic designers must create designs from nothing? Good job mate nice avatars

@Herien Wold: As we already spoke, by no means Im saying Im a super good designer but I believe I do have eyes to know what is good and what is not. Also I did not exactly say that your work is bad, its just hard to comment on avatars as there is not many ways how to make avatar look great. Anyhow, GL, I approve your service as good! 

Nice design.. but, what is mean "Order Now"?
there are 3 frames design.. if you are pro design I belive you can make many new design like this about 10-15minutes
and give us free with .cdr/.psd/.png file
*cheers n peace*

Look what he made for me:

@Peter : you order and I make from your whish
There is no premaid stuff.

Nice job bro !

Hey , mi kanete diafimish tis eikones mou ! poulaga parami8ia oti tis eftia3a monos m 

nice bro