Megjelenés helye Greece - Kezdeti lépések - 10 Mar 2017 11:40 - 29
Suggestions for a Better eRev:

The role of ministers in the game is very limited. Most of them do not have real functions to help (as MoE and Governor) the president in governing the country.
Prime Minister
When CP is off, he can issue money and transfer g/cc to CP account.
Minister of Economy
The possibility of transferring money to the account of the minister from the state treasury, to issue money in congress (and to have a National Bank account.)
Minister of Education
The ability to send one message to all new players or the ppl. who changed cz.

What else?:
Admins MUST launch an app in the Android and iOS devises.
What I mean:
-A lot of ppl. use their phone/tablet to log in eRev, so this will make their life easier :D

(R.I.P Photoshop :D)

To balance the game, it will be good, to remove from the players with 9k+ STR ~2k, in order to have the chance the newbies to be stronger and can change battles.

Moreover, I have to say that eRev. team has to make MORE THE CONGRESS SEATS. I mean that Serbia with 311 active citizens (according to eRev tools), have to have more Congress seats from Colombia which has 10 active citizens the last 10 days... This is very important because this will benefit the country.

SahkbamYamamotoBATRANUL99Hozzászólások (29)


v + s

MoDs can already attack regions 

I think they can make DW n NE law, no to attack regions.

MoD can already send attacks... And rest of ministers ideas are not that amazing but anyways... Admins could also delete de MoFA tittle. With Alliances in game, MoFA activities are dead 

I edited some parts of the article

petros pls grow up

Remove strength from players to balance the game? No. What about players balancing the game by making a balanced alliance set up? Oh wait, that has to come from the players and not the admins 

leave my Stregth alone -_-

Why do you give them with no charge your ideas? Are you an idiot? Or are you a child? There are people who get paid IN REAL MONEY to do that job ! Why don t you apply to the company to hire you and to implement your ideas and you get paid a salary you never dream of? DO NOT GIVE AROUND YOUR IDEAS FOR FREE ! THESE IDEAS COST REAL MONEY AND MAKE REAL MONEY TO OTHER PEOPLE !! DO NOT HELP THEM UNLESS YOU GET PAID TOO !!

Need much more improvements the game. Anf first of all, to fix the economy because at some points is realy no-sense.

@tsakali11 - just because something is free, it does not mean it is a good deal...especially when dealing with ideas. For example, that last idea to penalize advance players by taking away their strength...that sort of free idea would cost eRev a lot of money in lost customers.

DO NOT touch my Stregth. Ty Bye.

You didnt mentioned that adms need to change the way medals works. Right know, when you decide to become tanker, you need to have in mind that one time you will have pay from your pocket to deal damage. It is almost impossible for a tanker ( non-visa ) buy his LK q5 and produce food q5, the cost is too high, and battle doesnt reward anymore. Tankers spent way more money in battle than he get back with medals. I suggest that admin change it like some zone, exemple: people with 6K ~8K str need to do 13kk damage to get one medal. The way it works now, there comes a time that we have to stop fighting because we cant get enough money in medals to pay helis.

No improvements from admins for a while now.... it makes me think this is a finished project.

Hahah remove the strength? Are you mad? No way

Anyway, the linear and constant increase of strength is innatural (not human...). The strength must increase only into a certen period initial of time(es 12 months), or under a certen level (es 40).

add battle divisions system problem of str is solved 

I edited the article: I added Congress seat issue.

good o7

everything great expect strength!

Dont like this...

Better ideas: #1 Reduce cost of additional trainings (for STR-INT) more people can afford this, than paying 270G per each Training center (with less than main Training center, and also that cost us CC to train. #2 Add option to give subventions at battles for: Own citizens (Mu s) / Foreing Citizens (Mu s) in form of CC from country.
#3 Make a system to able give loans between players, (CC or gold, in X time with a % interest () getting the ratio final to be paid. Also, a percentage % of the total, will goes auto to the CT of the country.

#4 Option to buy CC for other CC. Actually you can only buy CC-Gold, CC-Gold but there is no option to buy foreing CC s exchanging your local CC, only is possible with gold.
You can add a option to see in your Monetary s Market a option where you can select Sell-Buy CC for Foreing CC and a list with all offers put in your monetary market will be showed.

stupid writer stupid article