Elite writers

Megjelenés helye Ukraine - Kezdeti lépések - 14 Feb 2016 10:11 - 2

Hello eCitizens!

Today admins change something on the mail page... What it can be?


It was shown for us today and many of our citizen are shocked... What it is?

After snowgame when you had a chance get something useful for U from snowball now you have this event.

ATTENTION: You get only 2 tokens each day.

You spin the wheel till you get to step 4 ( second box ).

From first box you can win:


 There (second box - from 4 to 6) you can stop and take rewards from second box by clicking stop or continue and spit it more.


If you get to 6th step ( third box ), you can also stop by clicking stop there and take rewards from third box:


If you are very lucky you can risk even more to get to the 4th box (8th step). If you fail along the way, you will get a reward from first box. 


If you get to Game Points (100/100) your odds will increase for that token.


So... Good luck my friends!



Hozzászólások (2)

А тепер все це знову але українською Wink
Я так і не зрозумів був як в нього грати треба було. Sad шкода, бо +50 сили то круто було б.