On the dark side

Megjelenés helye Russia - Politikai viták és elemzések - 01 Apr 2017 04:16 - 38

This is what happened to our community for the last 2 weeks:


The first one is our TOP and politician. The second is our PM.
The rest is 60% of last congressmen.
There are only 5 active people left by now.

I guess everyone knows the story of Miltiados where admins found wannabe multies (lol) which worked for him and banned him also.

Shortly after the first vawe of bans admins added to our treasury 30k gold:
I’m 100% sure that they wanted to ban the rest of our players but they failed this
time. Our CP Akanaka was smart enough not to donate all of this fake gold
to his account and reported it. After their dirty plan failed they simply
continue banning our players. Well I would say we are 5 but we won’t
surrender even if they turn us into dust.


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Hozzászólások (38)

Жыве Беларусь!
g pa lu mé #JusticeForBelarus
Δικαιοσύνη για την Λευκορωσία!
Maybe your politicians were embezzling
But why they do it?
#JusticeForBelarus RemoveModerators Game dead
lol, what happened?
Shit what? Sorry for you guys...
And TitoArgentino are ban too... WTF happens here?
Game dead
Good game good moderators good admin But Bad players :p
I m sure it can t be a coincidence.
ADMIN !!! - https://www.erevollution.com/ro/article/25569
it would be interesting to see explanation for all this??
#JusticeForBelarus worst admin!
Where are the -justice for belarus or turcos leaves the game- sentences. Upss injustice for you wawawawawa
We didnt force them to make multies and cheat. Its their own fault.