Megjelenés helye North Korea - Politikai viták és elemzések - 20 Apr 2017 12:39 - 30

Hi everyone;
As you know , we joined FU alliance yesterday. At the beginning , the idea of joining in a new alliance was so exciting for us. They were so sincere and friendly also it would be a great experience for us after VV.
They invited us today , for hitting against Macedonia , for Greece. They were planning to make an OP to our friends , who we fought together for months. How could it be possible ? Unfortunately , we couldnt hit even 1 FF against our friends. This situation was disturbing and we needed to make another move.
So , we are leaving FU alliance. We wont agree to hit against our friends. Friendship never ends and we wont let it end.
I want to thank FU HQ for their understanding.
Herkese Selamlar;
Dün yaptıgımız görüşmeler sonucu bildiğiniz üzere Freedoom United ittifakına dahil olmuştuk. Bu ilk başta çok heyecan vericiydi.Kendileri ile konuşmamda cok samimi davrandılar ve direk aralarına kabul ettiler.
Bugun yapılan organizasyonlarda savaşmak için bizide davet ettiler. Aylarca dostumuz olan ülkere karşı vurabiliriz sandık , fakat işin esas tarafı böyle olmadı. Ne yazıkkı biz , Türkiye de başkanlık dönemimizde bizi hiç yanlız bırakmayan ve her türlü desteği sağlayarak yanımızda duran ülkelere tek hit bile atmayacağımızı fark ettik.
Dostluklar bir anda kurulmuyor. Bir anda bozulmasına müsade edemeyiz. Fre United'da kalmaya devam etmemiz etik açıdan uygun olmayacağı gibi, bu ittifağa da zarar vereceğini düşündük ve ayrılma kararı aldık.
Bu konuda Fre United'ın anlayısından dolayı teşekkür ediyoruz.
President of NK
AurielAurielAurielPolarB34rPolarB34rPolarB34rSilent ScreamBoceeKizaganKizaganKizaganResident EvilResident EvilResident EvilResident EvilAmy RoseATEHTATOPOTATEHTATOPOTCEHATOPOTGrey WindHozzászólások (30)

hahahaha pirinci 

Say fyrommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

dugo ste bili 

abi dur daha yeni katıldınız 

Ayıkla pirincin taşını

İttifağa katılırken ne olmasını bekliyordunuz herhalde vurmanızı isteyeceklerdi.

Biz de ondan bahsediyoruz zaten Yavuz , yapamadık diyoruz.Vurmaya gönlümüz elvermedi yani.


lol :v what a clever dimplomacy move 3
good job

oh, what a lost...naaaaaaaaaaaaaaat

you are excused, as sold accounts you all are, you do not know history from the start to know how Greece stood by Tr and who the real friend was in the darkest days of Tr in this game.


Its funny to serbs they dont know what a loyal ally is, never been one, never had one o7



Size yakışanı yaptınız abi tebrikler o7

bande de fragiles

i will tell you one thing and i will not comment again...when Greece gave it;s regions for Turkey and Greeks gave everything they had, when alliances changed you didn t hesitate to hit against us...Nice move, Honorable players congrats

Iskreno znao sam da ce tak i biti, tako da svaki komentar je suvisan



SpyrosB +1

omg, I just come back once more to laugh, hahahahaha

what just happened here, lol xD



Lol am dying right now : )
You joined Fre United
their your new allies now, dude
You can still maintain relationship with the other side even if you hit against after all its just a game

This is a game. True friends would always understand when you are looking for different enjoyment (which you did with NK). We tought that you guys are looking for that but obviously you werent :/ Greece was once perfect ally to you when you guys were in Turkey so that doesnt really makes sense to me and naturally makes me suspicious about that. Just one question? When joinin FU I am pretty sure that you knew you will face this kind of wars. Why did you join in in the first place then? Thanks for your nice words and suspicious friendship o/