Order From Chaos

Megjelenés helye Switzerland - Kezdeti lépések - 15 Jun 2017 03:08 - 14

I have seen many of you,complaining about getting rewards from 1st Chest,so i wanna help you :)

As you can see there are 2 buttons, one says Stop ,the other says Continue.


Also there are 4 lvl of chests,and the prices depends on the chest level.

Most players press only the continue button,and the result is to win prices only from the first chest.

As you can see every time you press continue,you are moving in another chest,

When you press STOP you take the reward from the chest you are.

Sometimes ofcourse,it returns you again from the start,thats why its called Lucky Game :)

I hope it helped o7



Hozzászólások (14)

Tutorial for noobs
Laugh very nice tutorial
I was expecting a game hack for bigger prizes to be honest XD
never stop
I never got 4th chest. So sad.
FYROM! Check my newspaper for details Wink
*Also there are 4 lvl of chests*- Rumours say that there are 4 lvl of chests. Fixed Smile
:v c marnat but V S
we do have that lucky game s hack, but thats only for ofc members