Megjelenés helye Germany - Politikai viták és elemzések - 04 Aug 2017 22:46 - 24
Greetings dear readers
I wanna share my personal opinion about how game has been developed in recent time
Germany is a multicultural, multinational country this nation could have had any name and be located in any place of this world but it happened to be in E Germany ,our nation is a group of friends and fighters which are here to fight anything they see in their way until last breath we don't care about bonuses or cores or ethnics we are here just to play game and make it fun for everyone
about 3 months ago German game community was dying of bor-e-dom and people were leaving or going inactive also we had some amount of gold, we could simply farm and watch how other nations are fighting and more people get bored and leave for the other game so we decided to start a war and target was Poland ,also we wanted to help our other allies in their war against our common enemy and remove some pressure from them
this campaign was started by DoW of 3 countries on Poland , Greece, Germany and Portugal and was followed by DoW of Iran on Greece and USA on Germany and FYROM or whatever their name is on Portugal we had great battles defeats and victories we were almost wiped but we drove our enemies from our lands eventually this war ended with no result though
I insist goal of this war wasn't to hurt any nation this is a war game and without battles hails and good battles in global chat, game means nothing to me personally and to my nation I suppose
anyways many things changed after that war, countries changed side and some of our former enemies are now our friends and we fight shoulder to shoulder , new alliance Nemesis was born some countries left VV or as they evaluate betrayed them
in my opinion there are no eternal enemies and friends neither in real life nor in game those comments about betrayal and loyalty for ever are good for love movies
so after some careful planning and consideration we decided to start another war against Poland and use most honorable , old and lovely tactic of one vs one war of VV
anyways beside jokes I wanna admire fighting spirit of both sides especially Poland ,as Germany our goal is to make game fun and enjoyable for everyone and make it a real war game I hope I didn't hurt anyone's feeling in this article though I don't really care if I did to be honest :)
best Regards
I wanna share my personal opinion about how game has been developed in recent time
Germany is a multicultural, multinational country this nation could have had any name and be located in any place of this world but it happened to be in E Germany ,our nation is a group of friends and fighters which are here to fight anything they see in their way until last breath we don't care about bonuses or cores or ethnics we are here just to play game and make it fun for everyone
about 3 months ago German game community was dying of bor-e-dom and people were leaving or going inactive also we had some amount of gold, we could simply farm and watch how other nations are fighting and more people get bored and leave for the other game so we decided to start a war and target was Poland ,also we wanted to help our other allies in their war against our common enemy and remove some pressure from them
this campaign was started by DoW of 3 countries on Poland , Greece, Germany and Portugal and was followed by DoW of Iran on Greece and USA on Germany and FYROM or whatever their name is on Portugal we had great battles defeats and victories we were almost wiped but we drove our enemies from our lands eventually this war ended with no result though
I insist goal of this war wasn't to hurt any nation this is a war game and without battles hails and good battles in global chat, game means nothing to me personally and to my nation I suppose
anyways many things changed after that war, countries changed side and some of our former enemies are now our friends and we fight shoulder to shoulder , new alliance Nemesis was born some countries left VV or as they evaluate betrayed them
in my opinion there are no eternal enemies and friends neither in real life nor in game those comments about betrayal and loyalty for ever are good for love movies
so after some careful planning and consideration we decided to start another war against Poland and use most honorable , old and lovely tactic of one vs one war of VV
anyways beside jokes I wanna admire fighting spirit of both sides especially Poland ,as Germany our goal is to make game fun and enjoyable for everyone and make it a real war game I hope I didn't hurt anyone's feeling in this article though I don't really care if I did to be honest :)
best Regards
King Ragnar LothbrokZX2016ambruEl ProfesorpurplerainErenrandirHozzászólások (24)



Meine Führer o7

مشتی هستی داش کاوه.بازی یعنی همین /کنار هم لذت ببریم

Duck Kaveh...

Wipe Poland

Pipe Woland!

Wipe Fyrom !

wipe loland x1000

@ZX2016 dada chakerim lezat in bazi too jange man doos daram doosta va doshmanaye qavi va khoobi dashte basham 

V O7


Germany-Denmark, forever.

To make this game interesting, we need help Admins to develop it, not just sitting, doing nothing (even worse, producing more similar games in order to increase incomes) or bringing only cosmetical changes. Your politics doesn t concerns me, but the way how you are doing, it is different story. I will not criticise here what you are doing in the articles or in the comments. I recognise legitimacy of every approach in war game, some are with some stile, some are awful. Let s help evolution of eRevolution, instead of repeating same old way of killing online games.

When MDP, also regarded as mutal deleting pack, removed countries for fun it was evil.. Now that other countries are soing it it s justice... In all honesty i believe that you are right, war makes this game more fun but the only thing that truly pisses me off are useless propogandas mostly done by your side,regardless of whether you are wining or losing...welp you guys might be role playing but rule players are only welcomed on RP servers, they piss normal players off

oh that s my friend @kaveh
p.s Watch out man , jews are coming 

germany is a bunch of crybabys :]

wipe Poland

no enemies are eternal *thinking about albanians and serbs*

Albania and Poland are weak, without Turkey you would be wiped on the first day in the game xD

what is the point of this article?

What is the point of comment above?

hitler kaput xD