Megjelenés helye Serbia - Politikai viták és elemzések - 19 Sep 2017 11:42 - 32
o dear readers
please express your honest opinion and avoid troll comments thanks in advance
please express your honest opinion and avoid troll comments thanks in advance
CimenBatuAgui GnakouriDiakoDiakoTopSecretHozzászólások (32)


personally I think Admins thought or think this game is dead number of online players in prime time of game is too low compared to one year ago they fail in make game interesting for new players I know at least 2 players in E Germany started game and left it though I was helping them with food and weapons also there is the other game which main admin is the same as far as I heard and I dont understand what s the point of creating a similar game while the other is active and many players and countries like Spain and Paraguay moved there

Are you blind Kaveh, erevollution is far from dead

erev is a nutshell

no dead imo, i would be dead if it was 

erev will die if we permit it to die

ktab maybe u need balance xddd

VV started and Nemesis continues same way that kills game. Someone still wants discount, while we have so low profits. Even war strategy dont changed. So if we want new blood here we must try with admin, what we can make alone? Nothing..

legolas you have low profits? same as we had 2 months that ya had us to 1-2 regions? deal with it

low profits ... yea we cloud talk about that if i had workers i have high profits. I think we need to introduce smt interesting for new players they need to get feeling that we need them. I don t know how but in need a lot of communication and multi won t help there.

erev is idea and ideas never die

Erev never dead
Mr.kaveh ahangar(fingilish) 

Clinicly we have chanse to bring it back to life

A game is dead when the last player disconnects, so the answer is no.
However, its heading there. Admins not gonna do anything to fix it, so we the players have to do something. Having all the strong nations in 2 alliances is not the way to do it tho.

New players dmg is too low compared to top guys so they can t really do anything of importance but I bet they were saying the same for e rep and it s still here after what 9,10 years?

game is not dead
now send gold

it isnt about the number of workers, even workers dont bring any profit. honestly all the economic module of this game is based on wars, and when there are no big wars economy dies.

erevollution is dead and will be dead if admins wont start interacting with players and impementing new features in game, also they should start carrying about playerbase, we need international babyboom

Yep nice one davidking but who care about this game expect us?

well admins are supposed to care, if not they wont get any financial income if everything goes like this, online player numbers are getting low day by day even though holidays are over, im not saying its happening because of ballance im saying that this situation is all admins fault for not caring about this game, so if everything goes like this(no interaction from admins, no new features, playerbase getting low, no new players) for like 2 months ill definitely leave this game on its 2nd anniversary

The game is not dead as long as the community of your country is alive. Because it is the only interest of this kind of game.

It is not dead yet but it will be soon if nothing changes

How a new player can choose this game if he is forced to be a working slave at least 6 months -1 year before his damage count in battle?
Or make some lvl5 factories without pay 2-300 euros or more ingame?
So a lot went here to help some friends but these will leave shortly. Even big players are bored.
The solutions exist but all depend of Admin. If he want to earn much money with little effort...ehh this do not work well...

نه زندست نه مرده!

It is terminally ill

i have an idea, allow us to buy 0,1cc in the MM

Reduce to half or one third everybody s 💪 and intel

For sure is not e-Revolution! More appropriate name would be [ e-Church ], with such restraining rules to the politic debate, or [ e-State ] due to the protection offered by the System to the thieves of Treasury...

Game is business, and as such their main goal is to make money, but due to inflation that is normal for this kind of games their business model is simple not working, In case someone dont understand what i mean, its simple, when game started giving 69e for 450g could get you much more done than now with 200e. Thats why over year ago i wrote article warning about this and asked devs to change from selling gold to other means of generating income and i gave them few examples how it can be done. Now with their smaller earnings they are one who is losing interest in game not players. We still have strong and big community but slowly we are going of it as we see that admins are not doing much to keep this game fresh and alive, basically it looks as admins have gave up on game and that is main reason why many people have stooped playing game.. But im sure some changes, communication with players and overall trying to improve ,game could be brought back to life .

topsecret +999999, i agree so much. remember when there was a different event almost every week for like first 3 months atleast? i mean events shouldnt be every week, otherwise you spend all your ideas too fast like it is in this case. if admins tried a bit harder and not only spend their money on RL things like enjoying themselves and actually advertised the game like it was done with e r e p, maybe the playerbase would increase and therefore get even more money. the population is slowly but steadily dying, look at the top articles, nowadays top articles have 100,max 150ish votes, remember at the begginning when there were top articles with atleast 200-300-400 votes... i just hope admins do something ASWELL AS THE PLAYERS, since it gets boring with 2 pretty much same alliances 

AND!!! the saddest part is that they still didnt fix the php escaping characters, like apostrophes and braces, so after 20 months of game we still cant write down a heart or quote someone or talk normal english.

game is not dead because e newest can be an useful dmn in few mounth